Ch3 tensions

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Rin's POV:
The atmosphere in the room....had become quite thick.

Minato stared at me trying to see if I'll break or do anything suspicious. To say the least, I was scared shitless. Every now and then I would awkwardly move in my bed and stare out the window. When I did I would stare out the window and just stare at the view.....the village was being rebuild as people would try to help each other. 'But even though.... I was being here must have changed things a lot especially if it's only Kushina dying and not both parents that belonged to the blonde boy....and now I have to make sure nothing happens to the rest of them'

I looked in front of me to see Minato more closer to me staring me down. His stare was really intimidating. He held Naruto closely to him fearing that someone was going to take him away....sooner or later the door open and we both looked towards who came in.

It was Tsunade, she came in and noticed the tension and the look on my face. She simply chuckled and went next to me,

"Now Minato, you're scaring the poor woman" she then removed one of my bandages on one of my arms revealing slashes and stabs from the many ninjas I fought. She then lifted up my shirt causing me to blush as Minato simply stared at the wounds as his eyes widen a bit from the many wounds given to me from protecting Naruto. Tsunade then began using her medical ninjustsu on me as I tried to not move fearing it might anger her. I felt someone touch a wound under my ribs as I blushed seeing it was Minato. But....he looked pained?

"looks like you aren't much of a threat....well to Naruto" he then smiled and said "thank you for protecting my son"

I simply nodded not really knowing what to say but then I spoke without thinking "I made a promise to her....I will protect her child with my own life....I intend to stay until I am no longer needed" Minato looked at me in shocked not really knowing how to respond all he did was turn around with Naruto and left the room. I sorta freaked out thinking i fucked up....

"Don't worry...he still hasn't accepted her death, so all he's been doing is avoiding anything reminding him of Kushina" Tsunade said focusing more on my wounds, I frowned at the information given to me..

Tsunade then said she'll give me medicine and that I'll be leaving the hospital in 2 days. The only part that is really uncomfortable with me is that I have to stay with the hokage which is Minato and be watched 24/7, I know this will be a roller coaster of emotions considering Naruto is a baby and Minato is trying to not mourn over his wife. But he has to understand to let go, even if it pains him greatly...Naruto needs him. As for Naruto, I have to be there for him. No matter what.
(Two days later)
Well I'm all ready to go, unfortunately, I have to leave in a wheel chair because my wounds on my stomach and back haven't healed yet so now I'm being carried bridal style, as Kakashi in his anbu mask was helping me get down the stairs carrying me in his arms as he carefully tried to get down the stairs. I chuckled causing him to turn his head towards me "couldn't you have just teleported down to the lobby?"

Kakashi simply shrugged and kept walking. Hm? I expected him to be all snappy towards me since he said I was a threat. I was simply hanging onto him as he brought me down stairs and then we saw Minato waiting with Naruto of course in his arms. When we reached the last step he turned towards us and simply gave a smile. To say the least, he looked like shit. Bags under his eyes as he yawned. No wonder, Naruto kept him up. Kakashi then placed me down on the wheelchair giving Minato a nod as Minato returned it back. He then looked at me giving me a smile saying "well lets go"

Kakashi then poofed away. Oh now he does it.

After awkwardly sitting there in silence,

I then felt something being placed in my arms. Looking down I saw Naruto giggling and reaching up at me. I looked at Minato surprised he trusts me with his son. Minato took notice of the look on my face and said "you protected him and besides it seems he likes you a lot" in a way I kinda new why he liked me.

When I found Kushina, Naruto hasn't opened his eyes since well ya know he was still a baby. But when I grabbed him and held him for a while his eyes were open. Which means he thinks I'm his mom or something. I kinda don't want that, I'm not his mom. Kushina is! But he needs a mother figure. So I'll be that person but when he gets older and understand things more better, I'll tell him who is real mother is.
As we walked out many villagers walked by whispering. Some went up to Minato and bowed in respect and said "sorry for your loss" others just questioned who I was and why I was holding a new born child. Nonetheless, Minato simply gave blunt answers and kept moving on. Ignoring the stares, while I was shaking from them. All the villagers were staring at me like some disease and I guess I knew why. They think I'm replacing someone. They think I'm an enemy. But I won't give in.

Just like Naruto. I won't give up. I'll make sure to always protect him.


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