The Unchained - Roleplay

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Hey, let's play a game...

gender: boy

age: 17

name: Ashton (Ash)

gender: girl

age: 15

name: Casey

~The Unchained~

Short story

**Beware!! Not yet edited so read your own risk! ;)

The tall boy walked around the halls, his glowing red eyes searching for the brunette. "Where is she.." he mumbled to himself as he followed her laugh. The streak of a green shirt caught his eye, and he turned down a long corridor. "There you are!" he exclaimed, running towards the green-eyed girl.

The girl turned to look at him coming for her. Her eyes glowing green like a monster. They widened and she quickly turned back and ran faster. "Hey!" the boy called out, "Stop!" his breaths were getting heavier. "Why doesn't she stop?" he thought. He used all his strength to catch up, then she yelled, "You have to get out of here! They'll torture you!!!" she screamed.

The boy stopped, catching his breath. He leaned against the wall, his silvery blue hair falling over his face. He stretched, and began to jog, speeding up as he ran, he saw the girl, inches in front of him, and grabbed her arm. "Casey, why are you running away from me?"

She finally stopped and turned her head around to face him. Ash took a small step back but still held onto her arm. She had scars all over her body, her face pale as if she hadn't slept in days, her body seemed so fragile and small...but the eyes, they weren't the same as he had last seen her. They were glowing a bright green..with slits. What had happened to her?

Ash picked up the girl, and slung her over his shoulder, before running towards the door ahead. He screeched to a stop as a butcher appeared, his features sewn shut. 'What the fuck?' he thought. Casey's piercing screams echoed throughout the halls, a blood-stained ax clattered to the floor, as the man fell, blood trickling from his ears. The boy continued to run, and slowed to a steady jog as he neared the door. Ash stopped as he heard something scrape against the concrete. He looked into an empty hallway, for the source of the sound.

A dark creature, paced the halls, the rusted iron chains slithering against the bloody concrete.

Casey's POV~

I felt Ash panting as he paused suddenly. I tried to turn my head to see what he was stopping for, but I didn't have to. The sound of heavy panting and a sudden growl answered my question. I knew exactly what it was. I practically grew up around the sound and it scared the hell out of me. Soon bits of memories flashed into my head and I wanted to scream, but I knew that would only trigger the beast to lash out more quickly.

This was a mutant creature, came with razor sharp fangs, needle-like scales, legs made for running, and even wings. Yeah, basically the whole package. It growled a little more and I heard it take a step. I drew my lips close to Ash's ear, then whispered, "Put me down," he hesitantly put me down, but my legs were too weak to hold me up. He instantly knelt down trying to support me in some way but I was beginning to feel weak and dizzy.

"So what do we do now?" He asked me with a shallow whisper as he frantically looked around. The mutant's claws scraped the floor as it stalked slowly towards the teenagers.

Ash soundlessly stood up, took a gun from his pack and went for the ugly thing taking a few quick shots. The creature roared and took a step back. He whirled around, racing toward me. Taking my arm and hauling me to my feet, then pushed me ahead of him down the hall. He knew I was capable of running for my life~

I could hear the thing behind us, following; its footsteps sounded like lead weights being dropped onto the floor, but it was coming on fast.

Ash's POV~

After Cass started to sprint; I quickly turned around and aimed my SCAR-Light at the creature, pressing a button on the side the thing transforms into a M4A1 Carbine, even fitted with an M203 grenade launcher, I fired and hit the side of it's right neck and shoulder. Blood and flesh splattered onto the concrete and the beast roared in anger and pain. Before I could take another shot I heard a piercing scream from the direction Casey left toward.

I pressed the button again and it transformed into a smaller Heckler & Koch, I then began to run toward the screams. Turning at the corner I saw her. Pinned to the ground she was, pinned by another class of a monster. This time a mutant.

Everything paused for a moment; as soon as it heard me come around it looked up and stared at me as if it was trying to figure out what I was.... That's when I noticed the blood dripping from it's rather sharp eye-teeth. My eyes widened and I looked down at Cass who was mostly covered in blood, but I couldn't tell we're from.. And in that moment everything snapped back into perspective.

I've heard and seen pictures of this thing but never came face to face with one in my life. When I saw that it had bit Cass I remembered that it's bites were venomous. I mean it just made sense. But what was important was that the venom could paralyze someone - if there wasn't an antidote.

Casey's POV~

Ash instantly lunged toward the mutant that was on top of me. Everything was so blurry right now. I couldn't handle it anymore. I was already weak as it is. That mutant was finally off of me, but I couldn't capture what was going on. I heard noises and felt vibrations coming from somewhere but like I said; everything was basically canceled out.

Feeling a burning sensation on my shoulder, I managed to bring my hand to it and then draw it back to look. My eyes widened, I wanted to die already. A dark red and think liquid covered my entire hand. No wonder I felt this way, it was the bite of that..that monster.

My mouth opened to call out to Ashton but nothing came out. I tried screaming, except that didn't work out either. I pushed myself to turn over on my hands and knees; that was when I coughed up some blood and tears started to form in my eyes.

What was happening to me? I didn't know those things could cause such an effect on a human. I don't even know how to save myself cause I can not even move to try and find the rare chance of a antidote vaccine somewhere. Why didn't I protect myself better? I mean... I was practically trained for combat. Heck, I don't know anything right now, I'm all freaking fuzzy.

Using every last ounce of energy I had left for my voice I finally cried out for help. "ASHTON!"

My eyes became heavy as I layed down on the cold, hard cement.

Everything blacked out....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2014 ⏰

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