

"Look. I will always love Selena. Like I will always lovve Caitlin and Jasmine. I will always love you. But I'm not in love with those girls like I'm in love with you. Loving someone and being in love with someone is very different. For example, I love my mom but im not in love with my mom. That would just be strange. You are the one that I am in love with. I love those girls because I promised thta I would love them no matter what. And I promise I will love you no matter what." Justin explained to me. 

"Wait so you love them but your in love with me?" I asked. 

"Pretty much" JUstin smiled. 

"And you'll always love me?" I aksed him again. 

"Unconditionally" Justin smiled. 

"I'll always love you too, Justin" I smiled back at him. 

"Together, our love is eternal" Justin pulled me in for a hug and kissed my head. 


<Later that day> 

Justin and I are currently laying in his bed at the Hotel room. I was secured safely in his arms. 

"Whats on your mind?" Justin asked me.  

"Nothing much"  I shrugged. 

"You're so beautiful" Justin stroked my hair 

"Thank you" I blushed 

"No need to thank me" 

Justin placed his hand under my shirt and started rubbing my side. This made me blush even more. I decided to play along and start kissing the side on his neck. I shifted my body to face him and then began kissing his soft lips. They started out as soft pecks but then turned out as a full on makeout sesh. I could tell he was enjoying it. Justin pulled away to gasp for air. 

"Do you want to do this now?" Justin asked me out of breath. 

"Yes" I whispered as we continued. 

Justin began taking off my shirt as I unzipped his jeans. Justin took off his shirt and then my bra. 

"Damn you're so beautiful" Justin bit his lip as he looked at me up and down. 

"Lets get to buisness" I winked as i bulled down Justin's boxers. Damn jerry is huge. I then pulled down my underwear. We both stared at eachother for a bit before getting to buissness. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Justin asked me. It was the first time I was having sex. 

" one hundred percent" I said as Justin got on top of me. 

"Ok I'll go slow. Tell me if it hurts to much" Justin said as he slowly entered me.

"Faster" I said. Justin granted my wish and thrusted faster. 

"Ughhh Justiiiiin" I moaned.


I woke up with Justin's strong arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up at him and then down. We were both compleatly naked. I replayed last night in my head over and over. I had lost my virginity to the man I love last night. 

"Good morning beautiful" JUstin said sheepishly as he woke me from my thought. 

"oh, good morning" I said as Justin kissed my cheek. 

"You were pretty good last night" Justin smirked. I blushed a deep red. 

"You weren't so bad yourself" I giggled. Justin smiled and kissed my cheek again. 

"I'm gonna take a shower" I said as I got up. Justin couldn't keep his eyes off of me. 

"Justin? You okay?" I asked him. 

"you're so damn sexy" Justin said as he licked his lips. 

"Well I have no energy so you're gonna have to wait to feel me all over again" I laughed as I went to the bathroom. 

I took a warm shower and washed my hair. I shaved my legs and then stepped out of the shower. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I then put on my outfit for the day which was some short white shorts and a flowy pink top. I walked out of the bathroom and saw justin spread out on the bed. 

"The bathrooms all yours" I said. 

"We could've showered together to save water" Justin winked. 

"Maybe next time" I winked back at him. 


so there is the new chapter! Sorry its so short and it took me so long to update 

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