1 - The Tall Ginger

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Bold = Authors note

Like every morning, you struggle to get out of bed and by the time you get breakfast it's already lunch. Despite it actually being sunny for once in England, the day seemed pretty average. But that seemed to bother you. Everything has been too normal, no excitement, just browsing the internet endlessly for hours. So you actually decide to get out of the house for once and go to the shops.

You had what you wanted to buy in mind...for a few minutes. That's probably a new record for all the times you've wanted to buy something and completely forgotten what it was, due to distractions.

The big, automatic, glass doors open with your swift presence, before you swept right through them and into a giant labyrinth of shops. (I guess it's a mall?) Not sure of what to buy, you choose to go to the main shop of the mall and find something to buy as an excuse to saying you didn't go out of the house for nothing. After all, people would mistake it for the end of the world if you went out of the house to actually do something productive.

The isles of miscellaneous products and cleaning supplies seemed to be infinite, until you reached the back wall that had mirrors hanging up on racks. (Yes you know where this is going.) Seeing your reflection wasn't very appealing, as it reminded you of how much of a fail of a human being you were (I'm joking! I think.),  you walked past the mirrors and reached the sweets section that was seemed to be specifically placed right next to the mirrors...maybe it was just a coincidence...or maybe the shop people like to laugh at people's uncontrollable mistakes.

After looking at a few of your favourite lollies and considering whether you should buy them, you were startled by a high pitched shriek, ringing in your ears. You looked as to where it could be coming from. A guy with ginger hair, a purple hoodie with a green overcoat and a questionable chin shape, turned around. You questioned his fashion choices quietly to yourself but eventually brushed it off. He seemed to be worried, like, VERY worried. You were curious as to why but didn't want to talk to a stranger, yet alone, another human being.

Trying to brush it off, you resumed looking at the varieties of colourful packets. When he shrieked again. It was slightly annoying you so you went ahead and made a bold move. "Excuse me Sir, is there something wrong?" You asked with a slight tone of annoyance in your voice. Your sudden question seemed to startle him. "IM-LOST-AND-I-CANT-FIND-MY-FRIENDS-WHY-IS-THIS-STORE-SO-BIG-PLEASE-OH-PLEASE-WILL-YOU-HELP-MEEE!" He screeched. You stood there as pale as a ghost, gathering your sanity that had just been shattered. "Uh, excuse me?" You answered. There was a sudden silence, then he took a deep breath. "Can you please help me! I've lost my friends and I'm too pretty to be abandoned!" He fretted. You were able to make out what he was saying this time at least. You didn't want to, but you couldn't just walk away, so you had to help the man.

"So where were your friends the last time you saw them?" You ask, walking beside him around the shop. "Um, I think they were around the fridge section, then I got carried away with my stunning reflection in the mirror isle." He posed quite dramatically, you decide to brush it off, obviously aware that he's quite narcissistic at this point. Sighing, you look around for two people, but realise you have no idea what you're doing or what they look like. "So, what do your friends look like." You asked, casually. "Oh uh, let's see, one of them is named Edd! He likes wearing the colour green and is usually drinking cola! Which I usually think is a terrible idea since it's so sugary and bad for you-" you cut him off as he seemed to be getting sidetracked. He read your actions and continued. "And the other is Tom, he wears a blue hoodie usually and drinks a lot of alcohol which again, is not good to consume-" You cut him off once again. "Like them?" You say, pointing to two males across the isle, exactly as the tall ginger described. "YES! You found them! Thank you ever so much, I don't know how I'd survive without you!" He praised you, vigorously shaking your hand and looking at you with stars in his eyes. You see him dash off to his group, and wave goodbye at you. You warmly smile to yourself as you wave back, walking the opposite direction.

Somehow, you enjoyed that five minutes, it was different and unusual but also a slight adventure!

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