Running From the Elgen

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(Cela's POV)

My sister and I were running across the street. We were being chased by a couple of guys dressed in grey uniforms. They were shooting at us but Cecelia put up a electronic force field.

"Don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Where's the nearest store?" asked Cecelia.

"Um...over there!" I was out of breath and there was no electricity around for me to absorb. But luckily there was a shop about a few yards away from us. A grocery store to be exact, its not very big but I doubt our pursuers will risk following us into a public place. "I...hate...this...and running definitely running," gasped Cecelia.

I rolled my eyes and kept my them on the shop. My leather boots, that went all the way up to my thighs were rubbing against each other creating a squeaking sound and it also made my legs really warm.

"We're almost there don't worry I-" I was cut off by the sound of gunshots and a pain spread though my arm. I looked down and saw it bleeding badly. "I thought you had a fore field!" I yelled

"I did, see the thing is I got tired and I kind of sort of deactivated it. Sorry Cela." apologized Cecelia.

"Activate it then!" I yelled I looked down at my arm I was losing too much blood and infection could set in I needed to patch it up.

A bright force field surrounded us it glowed a bright purple. "I...can't keep this up much longer and the longer I do it the more people are seeing me," said Cecelia she was almost out of breath and I was on the verge of passing out. Scratch that was going to pass out. We had been running from these creeps for about...what five miles straight without a break.

My legs were giving out, but the store was only a few feet away. We had made it into the parking lot and the guys behind us had stopped running and had gotten into a huge truck that said "Elgen".

I collapsed and the force field dissipated as Cecelia landed right next to me.

"," I stuttered I was in so much pain right now it wasn't funny. I looked down at my arm and saw Cecelia holding a ball of electricity in the palm of her right hand.

"Take it," she said. I nodded and touched it. I used my powers and literally sucked the electricity out of it, giving more stamina but not masking the pain in my arm. "Better?" asked Cecelia

I nodded and tried not to cry out in pain by biting my lip, I wasn't going to look so weak and pathetic even though I didn't have much of a choice.

"Sis I'll go inside and get someone to help stay here and nurse your wounds but come inside if the Elgen come that right Elgen?"

I nodded and my sister left me a few inches away from the door sitting on the pavement as it dug into my skin.

This has been one rough day, I thought.

I soon heard the screeching of tires.

Aww really come on could this day get any worse?

As if on cue it started to rain, it soaked through my leather jacket and black shirt underneath.

"You really thought you and your sister could out run us huh?" asked a girl with long black hair streaked with purple. She was wearing a black dress that reached down to her knees with slip-on's.

"Well I tried but it seems you all just can't take a hint...can you?" I asked trying to stand up but only succeed in leaning against the building.

"Funny well the time for jokes is over RESAT her," said the girl "By the way my name is Nichelle and this isn't the last time you'll be seeing me...or watching me do this."

Michael Vey Secrets of the Elgen (Book One) (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now