Chapter 27 part 2 Great Just Great

Depuis le début

After searching every inch of the empty wooden cabin, I stalked outside to my patrol team and asked them to switch shifts and tell the new team to meet me here to search for Katherine.
They nodded before they all quickly shifted and sprinted off to the pack house to gather the new patrol team. As Alpha, I take my role very seriously, I don't allow my pack members to patrol for more than eight hours at a time. As I waited for the new patrol team to arrive, I pulled on my basketball shorts I had Logan grab for himself and I before we left. I looked around the thick forest around me: it was such an odd place to keep someone held captive. What was even more strange was that my men hadn't noticed it before.

The entire cabin was empty of rogues, yet there were recent signs of life and it wasn't necessarily a small group of individuals. Someone had been living there for at least a few weeks, and I could smell my mate in the upstairs bedroom and bathroom. Which also meant that they'd had Katherine held here for the entire time she'd been missing, yet they allowed her to shower and sleep in a king sized bed. Her scent wasn't alone in the bed, which had sent my wolf over the edge knowing she'd been handcuffed and forced to sleep next to another man.

This wasn't some random attack. This was planned.

I growled lowly thinking of some rouge creep taking Katherine here to this cabin, and handcuffing her to that bed in the back bedroom. What did he do to her? What if he tortured her? I didn't find any signs of torture. That doesn't mean whoever this is isn't good at covering his tracks. He better not have hurt her. As I promised Alpha Thomas in the large bedroom earlier, I will find whoever has taken my mate.
I will kill them.

****Katherine's POV*****
After recovering from the shock of discovering Linda was a gifted white wolf like me, I stood back up and hugged her tightly. It felt so amazing knowing that I wasn't alone after all.

"If you would like, we could teach you to control your powers. To use them against your enemies." John said softly as he kept a steady hand on my lower back to keep me up.

I simply nodded enthusiastically, and smiled over at him, "yes, please teach me. I have a sense of my powers, but I don't know how to control them like Linda." I said quickly.

If I can learn this, then I can defeat Sergio. I can go home. Wherever that may be. Linda smiled encouragingly, her cheeks wrinkling over the lines of age and past smiles. I stared at John motivated and patiently waited for his reply.


"Well that's a better try but, try more to the left. No! That's too far left! Focus Katherine. Feel the earth in your veins." John shouted at me from my left.

I clenched my eyes closed tightly and opened them quick enough to doge another large boulder hurtling towards me. This was John's idea of teaching me to control my powers. He taught me how to pick up rocks and boulders from the soil in front of me with my mind and hold them in the air. The problem with that was that he also had Linda throw more rocks and boulders at me.
Now covered in sweat, dirt, and dust, Linda and I had been throwing and crushing boulders at each other for an hour and a half.

I sighed as John allowed us to cease the battle as we both looked exhausted. I fell to the dirt-covered ground and closed my eyes. I am normally more energetic and have amazing endurance even for a wolf, but using my powers so strongly all of a sudden really drained me. It seemed to have had similar effects to Linda as I watched her tumble to the earth as soon as I did.

John chuckled and clapped his rough, callous-covered hands together; "great job ladies. Next we will be learning water offense and defense!" He exclaimed excitedly and smiled.

Linda and I groaned protests.
The sun had begun to set behind us, slinking low below the tree line around the house.

"Don't worry ladies, water is saved for tomorrow. As of now, let's get inside and get somethin' to eat. I'm starving!" He said happily, rubbing his stomach as he stared down at Linda and I laying in the dirt still exhausted.

"Comm'on sleepy heads! Someone's gotta make me some dinner!" He chuckled.

Linda and I both throw pebbles at him and he laughed trying to doge the flying earth. We giggled and eventually I stood up, feeling every muscle contract. I helped Linda up and we limped into the cool house quietly.

After showering and changing, I laid on the big, quilted bed in my room. I sighed, closing my eyes tiredly. It had been a good day; I was learning quickly and it helped that I had sweet John and Linda helping me every step of the way. The smell of fried chicken wafted into the room and I quickly rushed to the kitchen to help Linda set the table before sitting down for dinner.

After eating a delightful meal with my new friends, I said my goodnights to the elderly couple, and headed to bed. After laying in the bed for a few sweet seconds, I fell fast asleep with dreams of the Moon Goddess haunting my night.

Midnight With My Alpha MateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant