a/n- important

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hi guys. i hope you read this because it's actually important.
i just wanted to say, i might not be off for too long but i'm taking a break from all my books and writing because just a few minutes ago the one person i considered a true best friend who supported me for everything told me i'm weird and rude and disrespectful for liking and "fantasizing" about gay relationships. what she doesn't realize was that i've been struggling with that because i myself am bisexual and i wasn't sure if being so into other ones was weird.
and she straight out told me i shouldn't do what i'm doing because it's weird and if i ask anyone it's extremely disrespectful and creepy.
so i'm sorry guys, i'm really shaken up right now like my body feels as if it can barely function so i wanted to let you know that i love you all so much, thanks for being there when i needed it most and i will be back. i just don't know when. it could be a couple days to a couple weeks, i'm not sure.
just please don't give up on me and stop supporting me, your my only source of happiness right now.
i love you guys.❤️

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