I just watched two titants having a fight. Well gee, that's a shit load of entertainment.


"So, let me get this straight... You had some sort of accident and you cant remember the time that you were eleven?" Sans asked after I told him my story, and I nodded.

"And people did mention you were gone for a while and it was a miracle you were alive..?" Again, I nodded. "So you might be Frisk..." I tilted my head slightly, but didn't answer.

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Let's go to Alphys." I made a questioning sound, making him sigh. "You'll see." After that, he called Papyrus, who came bouncing down the stairs.

How on earth is he so exited?

I mean, okay sure... If I was a skeleton who made awful spaghetti, I'd probably be bouncing because of randomness too. But maybe he's a bit... overzealous.

Well, I guess I'll have to deal with it. Sans, how do you even survive?

Sans opened the front door, holding it for me. As I walked past him, I wispered:"Gentlemen." He grinned and seemed to bow a little. Papyrus walked out after-

Wait, scrap that. He bounced out. He danced his way out of the house, I don't know. He just... Made his way into the cold in a glamorous Way.

Sans walked towards me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder while guiding me trough the storm, on our way to hotland.

We first made our way to waterfall of course, where I first saw glowing blue flowers. They were so pretty! And after a few obstacles Sans, Papyrus and I reached Hotland.

And I think that hell can learn from this place. I mean, It's so hot you could die.

But on the other side, I wasn't dead. Although if you would come this close to lava, you would probably die without a special suit. And I haven't died yet, so I guess this is some special lava..?

Sans guided me and Papyrus towards a huge factory-like thingy. The doors were huge... The whole building was...


Sans walked towards the door and knocked on it three times. After waiting a little while, the door opened and a tiny yellow creature walked outside.

I thought dinosaurs were extinct.

"Sup Alphys?" Sans said, greeting the yellow dinosaur 'Alphys.' Sand raised his hand a bit and stepped aside.

Alphys gasped when her eyes caught mine.

"A-a human? A-and why does she l-look like-?" She looked at Sans while asking.

"Yeah, we came here to do some tests." Sans said, walking past Alphys inside the building. She whimpered when he stopped and whispered something in her ear.

"R-right, this way g-guys!" Alphys said, making my and Papyrus follow.

I was curious about Papyrus. He hadn't said anything since we were here. I looked at him, catching him staring at something. I looked over, to see a robot with long legs and awesome hair staring back at Papyrus.

Love at first sight, maybe?

The robot seemed female, but as soon as it came over to him and began to speak... He was absolutely a male.

"Well hello dear~ And who may you be?" The robot asked, making Papyrus suddenly blush an orange tint.

"PAPYRUS, MAY I KNOW YOUR NAME?" He said, clearly flustered. I looked at Sans, seeing he stopped following Alphys. He glared daggers at the robot.

"Mettaton, but you can call me anytime darling." The robot chuckled and blew Papyrus a kiss. Aw, they were so cute.

I saw Sans getting angry again and I decided to stop him with eyestabbing Mettaton. I walked over to Sans, grabbing his arm, and dragged him to Alphys.

"Ouch! Frisk! What the-"

I grinned and released him.

"You better not ruin my OTP ship."


Hey guys!

Another chappie ♡

I know, It took me long enough.

But hey, more than 1000 words.

You wanna copy that?

I bet you can, but I wont bet with money.

Anyways, more chapters will be posted soon!

Have fun, and pls vote or share, you would make me so happy.


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