♡ T W O ♡

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I found the owner of the voice.

"Have you fallen down?" She asked politely.

A goat asked me. A FRICKING GOAT.

Of course, I answered.

" Yes. I have, can you guide me?" I asked her. Damn, why did I ask that again?

The goat just nodded and took my hand. "I am Toriel, by the way. And who are you?"

"I'm Frisk." I said, watching her movement. I was suspicious of everything down here, for some reason. Well, maybe there was some logic behind it. I don't know why there are goats and flowers that talk, puzzles that can be deadly and... Where I am.

"Excuse me, but can I ask you something?" Toriel smiled as she walked with me by her side. Her shadow was overshadowing me. I was pretty tall, but she was a very large... goat lady. "Of course, my child. What is it?" I sighed, and answered. "Where am I?" Toriel gasped and mubled something I could barely hear. "You're different from the others." I was shook.

Others? Did she mean that other humans have fallen down here? I mean, I haven't figured it all out with this whole place, but I do know that you can refer to these creatures as monsters. I've... heard it before.

"Mommy? Can you tell me the story of humans and monsters again?" My mother looked down at me, smiling. "Of course sweetheart." We sat down on the couch, and she started telling the story of humans, and monsters.

"Once upon a time, there were two races that ruled the earth. Humans, and monsters. They lived in harmony, and peace was all around the world. Until..

Until war broke out between the two races. A long battle, that lasted from the first shine of sunlight, to the last shine of moonlight. After the battle, humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. But, there was one last thing. There was a prediction.

One day, a human would free the monsters. And on that day, magic would flow over the world. And bring peace again." My mother smiled at me while I clapped and cheered.

I smiled at Toriel as she answered. "You're in the ruins, my child. The first part of the undergrounds." Toriel seemed serious and sad. What's the matter with her? Why was she sad? I couldn't figure it out. "Oh, by the way... I'll have to clean up a bit. You see, since you're the first to fall since- Uh... Nevermind."

I chose to stay silent. Although my curiosity is awake and wants to know what's going on, I wont let it.

"Ah. We are here. Come on in my sweet child." I looked around to see another floating star and a black tree. Toriel opened the door of a tidy-looking house. I followed her inside, greeted by warmth and beautiful colored walls. The smell of something delicious fills my nose, making my mouth water.

"Welcome my child. I uh, havent prepared a room for you to sleep yet." I smiled at her.

"It's okay. I uh, want to leave soon." Toriel gasped and looked away from me. Then, she mumbled something and walked away. Gee, she makes me feel bad for wanting to continue.

But I have to protect Ray.

I have to.


"You want to leave so badly?" Toriel said while shooting a few fireballs at me.

We were currently fighting, because I wanted to leave 'so badly.' Toriel got sad and angry at me, for asking how I could exit the ruins. She cried and told me to stay in the living room. Of course followed her.

She warned me a few times after I followed her, and finally began to fight me.

Now these fights were different from the normal fights against the bullies. Here, I had to dodge their attacks. But, for some weird way I just spared her instead of acting. It seemed to affect her though.

Suddenly, her attacks began to stay away from me. If I moved right, the attacks would too. In order to not harm me. An then, her attacks stopped.


"I know you want to go home but..."


"Please, go upstairs now."


"I promise I will take good care of you."


"I know we do not have much but..."


"No. I understand. You would just get lonely down here, the Ruins get very boring when you get used to them." She smiles weakly. "And, you might... be the one..." She steps aside and I walk forward, understanding what she meant.

"Goodbye, my child."

"Bye, mom."

Toriel's eyes widen and I smile at her, then I turn around and walk away.

After walking for a while, I see Flowey again. As soon as I approach him, he scoffs and disappears into the ground.

"Manners." I say as I walk further, shaking my head.

I walked towards a huge purple door, this time a cold breeze greeted me. My head suddenly ached, and I remembered my lack of sleep and food. The cold breeze didn't help my hunger and need for sleep.

"Shit." I cursed as I almost stumbled over a branch. The branch looked like I could almost pick it up, but I decided not to try. As I stood still, examining the branch, the sound of footsteps reached my ears.

There's another person here?

I look around, but see nothing.

Shaking my head, I start to walk again and then I reach a gate-like thingy. I look at it, and the footsteps are there again.

"Well shit. Who's there?" I turned around, only to see a hooded shadow with yellow eyes.

"Human, don't you kno-"

That's when I passed out.


Sup fellas?

Everyone good? Yeah? GREATTTT

I promise that the chapters will be uploading sooner now, bcuz this is going to be more fun to write and stuff. The Ruins are just Boooring.





Anyways, that's all.


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