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   Byron was torn between continuing on to the house to see Narrie and following the bird in the direction that he had just come from. But by now, he could actually see the house off in the distance and the desire to see Narrie was quite strong, so he decided to go that direction. He thought he would just stay a short while to catch up with Narrie and see how the other boys and girls were doing and then head back to the tree the next day.

   As Byron walked, he became more and more amazed by the qualities of his vesture. It was amazingly comfortable and, like the cloak, it regulated his body temperature perfectly. It was never too hot and never too cold. He also grabbed a sharp stick from the path to test how strong the material was and discovered that it really was like armor, quite impenetrable.

   Just before dusk, Byron arrived back at Jacobis’ house. It was more like a mansion than a mere house. Byron walked through the beautiful gardens. There were fountains and ponds and all types of beautiful outdoor art pieces. Animals and birds were everywhere enjoying all of the plants and trees.

   “Byron! Oh, Byron!” cried Narrie, from one of the balconies. “I can’t believe this!”

   A moment later, she came dashing out of the patio doors toward Byron. The two embraced and shared how happy they were to see each other.

   “You look so great, Narrie,” said Byron. “You look so happy! Wow! It is so great to see you again!”

   “And the same to you, my dear friend,” agreed Narrie. “I have thought of you so often. Oh, how I wondered if I would ever see you again.”

   “Well, here I am,” said Byron.

   “Yes, here you are,” said a voice from inside the patio doors. Then, Cotler walked out slowly and joined them. “It’s Ok,” said Cotler, holding up his arms. “Don’t worry, no spears,” he continued with a chuckle.

   “Oh, yes! Yes, Byron, so much has happened since you left,” assured Narrie. “Things are wonderful around here now. So much healing and good work has been done here in the house.”

   “Yes, please do come in, Byron,” invited Cotler, “so we can show you how things are really meant to work around here.”

   Byron had to agree that everything looked magnificent. He had noticed the extent of the area’s restoration in the gardens as he made his way through them to the house and now he also noticed it throughout the actual house as he walked through it.

   “It’s about time for dinner, anyway,” said Cotler. “You will be staying here for a while, won’t you?”

   “Well, I don’t know,” answered Byron. “I really didn’t even know what to expect when I arrived.”

   “Oh, please do stay. Of course you’ll stay,” urged Narrie. “We have so much to tell you and so much to show you.”

   “Come. Let’s go to the dining room and discuss it over dinner,” said Cotler.

   As they walked to the dining room, Byron noticed other boys and girls in the house. Then, as they entered the dining room and sat down, he saw more of them working in the kitchen and helping to prepare the table.

   “What are they still doing here?” asked Byron.

   “Oh, that is what is so wonderful!” answered Narrie. “You can’t even imagine how everything has come together around here to make such a wonderful place for all of us. All of us work together to form a community that… well, we all have our jobs and do the thing that we’re good at. And, we all just pull together to make this wonderful mansion for all of us to live in as a peaceful happy family. It is so wonderful!”

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