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   Byron’s enjoyment of the morning moments at the top of the Lighthouse turned slightly sour as he began to remember the events of the previous day. He felt betrayed. And he also felt a little naïve.

   [“What is that, Daddy?” “Well,” said I. “In Byron’s case, he just felt like he should not have been so gullible… which means to be quick to believe something even when it is then quickly understood to be untrue. But anyway, the word naïve adds the element of innocence or inexperience. Byron was feeling a little stupid, even though he was obviously tricked by someone who was quite good at lying. The thing is, Byron always held high standards for himself and he never liked making the same mistake twice. He was a thoughtful and cautious boy.”]

   Byron also knew that he had better leave the Lighthouse quickly because he figured there was a good chance that Ajobis would return there. And as he thought about that, he liked the idea of Ajobis thinking that he was dead. He felt that could be a definite advantage in the future.

   But, as Byron opened the door to go down the inner stairway, someone called out to him from down below on the plateau. “Hello up there!”

   Byron was startled at first, even though it did not sound like Ajobis at all. In fact, it was a pleasant young female voice so, Byron stepped back out of the doorway and looked down by the back side of the base house and saw a lovely young girl, about his same age, standing there waving up to him.

   “Hello,” replied Byron.

   “It’s absolutely lovely!” exclaimed the girl.

   “The Lighthouse?” asked Byron.

   “Yes, yes, of course, the Lighthouse and the sea and the view and the entire morning!” replied the girl.

   “I’ll be right down,” said Byron, and then he went back to the door and started down the stairway. As he was going down, he was cautioning himself about meeting this new person. He did not want to be tricked again in this place where things are not always as they first appear.

   When Byron came out of the base house door, the girl was kneeling and smelling some flowers in the newly created base house garden.

   “More new smells! Oh, this innereal world is so very lovely!” said the girl.

   “Yes, it really is quite wonderful, isn’t it,” agreed Byron. “Have you been here… oh… I’m sorry. Let me introduce myself. My name is Byron,” he said, as he stretched out his right hand.

   “Hello. I’m Narron, but people call me Narrie. It’s like Mary except with an N and it’s spelled N, A, R, R, I, E.”

   “Pleased to make your acquaintance,” said Byron, politely.

   Narrie then looked curiously and wondrously at the tattoo on Byron’s hand as it rested in hers. Then, she looked up at him, and said, excitedly, “I saw the whole thing! It was absolutely fantastic!”

   Byron looked up behind him, and said, “The Lighthouse?”

   “Yes, yes, of course, the Lighthouse,” answered Narrie. “Was there something else? Did I miss something?”

   Byron answered, “Oh, no, no, I just… ”

   “I was right over there in that grove of trees,” interrupted Narrie, pointing off to her right. “Does your orb give you power to make lighthouses, or something?”

   “No, I… I don’t think so… I… ” Byron started to say, but then, he continued, “Look, we really need to get away from this place right away. We might be in some danger if we stay here. We can talk more along the way, Ok?”

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