Chapter 7: Regression and Reveries

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Hello lovelies! Just wanted to give a quick shoutout to everyone who's been reading so far. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started publishing this story, but it's been a long time coming and I'm grateful to every single reader who's clicked on it so far! I know I don't have a ton of reads compared to some other authors on here, but it still means a lot so thank you!! ❤😘😘

Please remember to comment and vote, and as always I'm here if you wanna shoot me a message-- I would really love to hear what you think!


As much as I miss the comfort of my own homey studio apartment, I can't deny the obvious effort the CIA has put into arranging my new accommodations. The headquarters facility itself doesn't exactly scream "comfort", and I wasn't really expecting much in the way of living arrangements, but they graciously set me up in a furnished modern townhouse near the building with fully-stocked cabinets, amenities, and an ample fridge full of food.

It's more than I had dared hope for, and it's far nicer than the apartment I left behind. Putting the messy, hectic day behind me I allow myself the luxury of a preparing a nice hot bath. I refuse to dwell on mysterious prophesies and the pressure of mastering time until tomorrow. It's honestly just all too much to process right now. It's much easier to focus on the basics of my new reality, and maybe I'll slowly work my way up to it.

There are so many new rules to learn, names and faces to memorize, and basic elements of my new routine to familiarize myself with. Even without the supernatural side of things, my new life would be overwhelming.

Before leaving headquarters, I picked up a tentative itinerary for the days to come. The supernatural division representative won't be arriving for another day, so tomorrow I will be learning protocol and training in the gym with Kent. I have a lot to learn if I plan to survive past my first field operation, and I can't say an extra magic free day doesn't feel like a relief.

I've never been in a fist fight or shot a gun, nor have I ever wanted to. Just hearing that gun go off earlier was terrifying to my very core. It really shook me, and to think that I might have to be pulling a trigger like that tomorrow sends an unpleasant shuddering sensation down my spine.

I may not know a ton about this spy-thing, but I know that guns are pretty much always involved in the training process. It's part of the territory. I have nothing against people who like to visit shooting ranges or people who feel safer with a gun in the house, but that's just never been who I am.

The self defense lessons, however, I can definitely get behind. This entire ordeal has raised so many new questions, but the one thing I know for sure right now without a shadow of a doubt is that I need to learn to protect myself. Even if I don't want to use a gun, I need to sharpen my instincts and learn to throw off any would-be attackers. It sounds like there will be a lot of those headed my way...

I think I can rely on Kent and my future team to do their best to protect me, but Kent was right when he said he sensed my distrust in him. Maybe that will change, but right now the one and only person I can trust is myself. Even Pablo isn't who I thought he was. My whole life feels like a lie.

I have to be a whole new person now, and first and foremost that person has to be strong.

Kent made sure I was well fed and guided me personally to the driver who would escort me home. He really is taking this 'handler' thing seriously, and if he wasn't so jaw-droppingly divine looking it would maybe even strike me as a little creepy.

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