Chapter 5

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"Cherry....Cherry. Wake up" I felt a light push on my shoulders. I crack my eyes open letting my vision return. After the blurriness disappears I see Kai in front of me. "You're up. Come on we're here at the hotel." he helps me stand up. He bends down and signals me ot get on his back. I didn't argue because I didn't have the energy to and plus I was still tired. I lay on his back as he walks towards our room.

Guys and girls aren't suppose to be together but since I can't talk the teacher allowed Kai and I to share a room. Well of course we are sleeping on sepreate bed! I mean I like Kai but I don't want to be that close to him.

Kai gently places me on the bed. I notice my hands and legs are bandaged up now but how? I guess Kai saw my reaction and answers, "I did it. When you were asleep."

I just nod. What else can I do? I checked the time it was 10:50 already. I was hungry though. I grab a note book on the table and wrote.

{Oppa minhae but I'm hungry.}

"There's nothing to be sorry about. I'll order some chicken since it's late already."

{Arrasso. Chicken is fine.}


"Cherry-ah. Open your mouth" Kai demands as he holds a piece of chicken near my mouth.

{Ani, oppa has to eat.}

"You need to eat too. So Ahhh..." Kai gestures me to open my mouth. I give in and open my mouth. He feeds me like I was a little baby.

{Thanks oppa.}

"You're welcome. Now eat more."


After we eat it was super late so Kai tucked me into bed. ~On a separate bed remember!~

"Sleep well okay? I'll be in the next room if you need me."

{Arrasso oppa. Goodnight.} As he leaves I give him a tight hug. Not wanting him to leave my side. He soon releases himself and lays a soft kiss on my forehead before rushing out. I touch the side of my cheeks with the back side of my palms. I can feel my temperature rising. ~Snap out of it Cherry! He'll never like a mute like you.~ Still I couldn't help it. I fell asleep smiling like a maniac.

I woke up a few minutes later breaking out in cold sweat. My temperature was rising, not because of the kiss but I don't feel so well. I turn on the lamp and make my way to the door. However my body didn't function and I collapse onto the ground. The world became dizzy as I try to fight my baggy eyes.

----------Kai's POV----------

I was drifting off to sleep until I heard a loud crash. I lazily get up upset whoever or whatever woke me up. That all went away when I though of Cherry. ~Cherry!~ I instantly jump out of bed.

"Cherry!" I knock on the door. No reply.~ Well of course no reply stupid Kai.~ I push the door open to reveal Cherry laying on the ground. I rush next to her. I scoop her up into my arms. She was hot! Literally! I pat her cheeks. Her hands touch mine to calm me down. Her tiny hands wrap around mine then she blacks out.

"Cherry! Cherry!" I pat her cheeks again. I quickly place her on the bed and run to get some cold water.

------------3rd Person POV-----------

Kai squeezes the towel dry and places it on Cherry's forehead. He grabs her hand and squeezes onto it. Wishing with all his heart for her to be okay. As he slowly drifts off to sleep his eyes flutter up again as Cherry's sudden movements awaken him.

"Cherry. Are you okay now?" Kai asks. The weak, Cherry answers with a soft nod. "Thank goodness." Kai exclaims before wrapping his arms around her. Having a little strength left Cherry grips onto Kai as well. The two stay there in each others arm for a while before Kai pulls away and kisses Cherry's forehead. Shocked Cherry backs away slowly.

"Mianhae. I'm just really happy you're okay." Cherry gestures to Kai that she wants a notebook. Kai gives her one to write her reply.

{Thanks oppa. Sorry for bothering you too.} Cherry responds.

"It's not your fault. It's mine that I wasn't there to help." Kai faces the floor in disappointment. Cherry pats Kai on the shoulder giving him a reassuring smile.

"Cherry....I want to tell you something."

{Tell me then oppa.}

"I-I...I like you. A lot." Cherry's mind stops functioning for a while as she hears those words. "I like you. I don't care that you're...mute. All I care is that you're safe and by my side. I want to go to sleep everynight knowing that your okay and safe. You makes me happy everytime I see you smile. If I could go back in time. I would go back to the day you lost your voice so that when you were in pain, I could comfort you. Be the shoulder that you cry on. Be the one to make you smile instead of cry and be the person by your side. Since I couldn't back then, I want to now. So Cherry will you be my girlfriend?"

All that was a lot to take in for Cherry. She never thought that anyone would like her. A mute girl. Especially someone like Kai. Her heart was speeding like a train but she knew the answer her heart has been telling her all this time.

{Yes....oppa. Yes I will be your girlfriend.} She hands the paper to Kai. Kai's eyes spark up.

"Jinja?!" Cherry gives him a nod. "Yes! Oh Cherry I'm so happy." Kai announces as he eungulfs her into a hug. She hugs back too. Once again staying like that under the starry, moonlight night.

~I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I've been really busy. I'll try to make time though. So how do you guys like it? Please comment or message me. Thank you! Wohoo go Cherry and Kai!~

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