Finding a Brownie

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The sun beamed down on me and my team, Hanji Zoe insisted we go on a quick trip beyond the walls to gather samples for her experiments.  Erwin, Hanji, and I decided to ride south from the walls where there is known to be less Titans.

  "Levi, are we almost there yet." Hanji complains from behind me.

  "Do you see a Titan four glasses?" I retort, we've been riding for about 10 minutes at a medium speed trot.

"I guess not, ugh, where are the Titans." Hanji groans out as she dangerously lays back on her trotting horse. 

"Hanji, get the f-",  "Levi, behind us." I quickly turn to see two titans coming towards us slowly but surely.

  "Tch. Get ready." I turn my horse around so she is galloping at full speed towards the Titans. 

I position myself upon her once we are within a few feet of the monstrous giants harpooning a nearby tree, leaping off it, and landing on the one Titan's head.  From there I harpoon onto the nape of the other Titan pulling myself along and getting a clean cut.  I leap from his falling body to harpoon to the other scaling his back and taking my swords directly through his nape. 

Hanji gives a tremendous yelp of joy running towards the dead Titans in excitement as Erwin slowly rides up behind her holding her horse. 

"Thank you, thank you Levi!" Hanji squeals as she immediately stars to gather samples from the two titans.  I roll my eyes preparing to retort on how shitty she is until a dash of brown in a few nearby bushes catches my eyes,

"Tch, Erwin stay with Hanji." Erwin gives a curt nod as I climb back onto my stead and trot out towards the bushes. 

Quiet whimpers can be heard as if something is hurt or scared, I gently slip down from my horse lowering myself to balance on my left knee, my right hand resting on my sword.  I cautiously move the branches left and right searching for anything brown when my hand grips something furry and soft.  It gives out a great cry catching the attention of both Hanji and Erwin.

  "WHATCHA GOT THERE LEVI!" Hanji yells as she speeds towards me forgetting about any impending dangers. 

"Tch, shut up shitty glasses." I reply once she is within hearing distance.  The brown furry thing continues to whimper and cry annoyingly as I try to pull it out from the bushes it insist on hiding in.

  "Is that a spider Levi?" Hanji says gazing at a big sized spider.

Upon the words 'Spider',  the brown thing leaps from the bushes yelping loudly and bolting right around me.  Erwin who was steadily walking to us with the horses in his right hand, fluidly grabs the furry animal by it nape making in stay.

"I've captured a brown beast." He says stoically. I need a new team.

Hanji screeched like a bat in the night "Levi, Erwin, I think it's a real dog, holy bread sticks I thought they were extinct." 

The brown beast shakes as close to the ground as possible, it's tail and ears flat to it's body.

  "Stop scaring him you overgrown ogre." Hanji rejoices running towards the beast and giving it hugs.

"I hope you get flees."  Hanji's face whippes around quickly with the biggest pouty face, "Can we pleeaseee keep him Levi, Erwin, pretty, pretty please. I'll take care of him."

"Absolutely not shitty glasses." I say as I round onto my horse with ease. 

"Erwin, pretty please?" Hanji begs completely blowing me off.

Erwin turns to the walls in the distance "It would be good for the cadets." He answers thoughtfully

"Tch, more training would be good for the cadets." I say before I turn on my horse and start towards the walls, they can deal with the savage animal. 

We arrived at the gate some time later, with the beast tailing behind Hanji and Erwin who rode a bit slower with a simple piece of rope tied gently to the beast neck.  Villagers looked on at the furry animal in wonder whispering upon one another rapidly. 

After traveling through the villages we finally came to our destination,  the Survey Corps base. 

Mike came out instantly sniffing the air before he scrunched his face "What is that beast and putrid smell it brings?"

Hanji jumps off of her horse "This is Brownie, he is the cutest doggy ever." She states with confidence. 

"Tch, I'm going to bed." I state as I start to ride off around the base to the stables.

"No Brownie, stop." Hanji struggles from behind me, I turn to examine the animal pulling Hanji my way.

"Hanji control it." I say watching her ground her heels into the dirt pulling the dog back with all her might. 

"I'm trying Levi." The dog is steadily making it's way to me, pink tongue swinging happily. 

"Let him go." I say with a sigh as I slide off of my horse.  Hanji does as I say and the fuzzy animal comes running right to me before sitting and wagging his fluffed tail. 

"Follow." I say sternly and begin to walk towards the stables with my horse and the dog.

Behind me I can hear Hanji screeching in excitement and soon I hear her running after me, normally I'd tell her to go away, but, it is her dog. 

"Why doesn't he listen to me." Hanji wines out stomping like a child a flailing her arms.

Shitty glasses, first she makes us go out of the walls ourselves, bring a shitty animal here, and now she can't even control it. "I'm going to take the dog, his name is now Eren." I state sternly.

Hanji wails in protest jumping about and kicking the dirty like a small child "Leviii, h-he's mine though."

"If you can't control him, then you can't have him Four eyes," I reach down gripping some of Eren's matted dirty hair before calling him a putrid animal, "He needs a bath and a haircut."

"You can't just change his name Levi, anyway, he looks fine." Hanji argues

I swiftly turn my head in her direction giving her a nasty glare.  Her eyes widen as she stops following me and opts to just watch me.  "So mean." She whimpers, before turning back to Erwin and Mike who were watching us from the front of the base. 

I sigh finally making it around the bend to the horse stables, the dog, Eren, follows behind me diligently.  He has long unruly brown hair covering him from head to paw but that's all I can tell because he looks less like a dog and more like an oversized dirty mop. 

"Eren." I say still looking at him, he continues to walk with me not noticing his name yet. 

"Tch, brat." He looked up at me, I scoffed at him before calling him pathetic but still better than humans. 

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