"You can't right now but-"

"Why not? What's wrong? Is he alright?" Alex whimpers.

"He's with the doctor Alex," Alexa said as she reaches for Alex's hand. She gives it a gentle squeeze which he quickly figures out he is unable to return. This makes him feel even more like crying than he did seconds before. "He'll be back soon, I promise. He's alright." Alex wants to call Alexa on her bullshit. If Miles was genuinely ok then he wouldn't be with a doctor at the moment. He doesn't even want to consider what might be wrong given the shape that Miles was in the last time he'd seen him. However, Alexa had confirmed one thing that put Alex's mind somewhat at ease. Miles was alive, and that's all he needed. Even though he should be comforted by this truth something is misfiring in his brain causing him to tear up regardless.

"But I need him now. What happened to him?" Alex cries. Luckily Alexa has already been told by the doctor what to expect when Alex wakes up. She knows his thoughts won't be exactly rational and he may have a hard time regulating his emotions.

"Sssh, Alex, please calm down. Don't cry, that won't help you any. I need you to take a couple of deep breaths and try to sort yourself out ok?" She tried to reason with him.

" No! My head hurts and I want my Miles." Alex sniffed. He's convinced that if he can't make the pain go away, then seeing Miles would at least help. "Want Miles... and my mum." He admits. Something about Alex in this state crying because he wants his mother strikes a chord with Alexa. She can't say she blames him, she would feel absolutely the same in his shoes.

"Well, your mum I can go get until Miles comes back." She informs him. "She just ran downstairs to get a cup of coffee. I should probably go let your parents know that you're awake anyway. They'll be so relieved."

"Please," Alex says as he tries to roll over. His attempt is unsuccessful however due to the tubes and wires that are currently attached to him causing him to let out a choked sob. He's hoping that whatever the nurse gave him starts to take effect sooner rather than later. Alexa sighs not wanting to leave Alex alone in such a pathetic state, but knowing that his parents need to know that he's up. Luckily for them both, she catches sight of them just a little ways down the hall. They're close enough that Alex can hear the words they exchange and his mothers quickening footsteps.

When she walks into the hospital room Alex can't see the tears in her eyes because of how dark it is with the lights out. Although when she gets close he's sure that he feels a tear drop fall on his cheek as she leans over to kiss his forehead. It's then that Alex figures out that the pain is, for the most part, radiating from the other opposite side of his head where he'd been struck with the shovel. "I'm so glad you're awake. I've been so worried about you Alex." His mother tells him. It doesn't matter that he's going to be thirty soon. In her mind, Alex will always be here little boy and right now he's hurting badly which breaks her heart. Alex wants to say something to stop her worrying, but as he opens his mouth he only lets out another yelp instead. Desperately he wills himself to say something.

"My head hurts." He muttered.

"The nurse just came and gave him something for the pain. It should be kicking in soon."Alexa informed Alex's parents.

"Did she say anything else?" David asked, standing with his hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Not much, just that he's probably going to be a bit confused for a while and in a lot of pain. For now, they're just going to try and keep him comfortable and we need to let him rest as much as possible." Alexa said. Normally Alex would protest being talked about like he's not right there with them, but at the moment he doesn't have the energy. He just wants some affection and for the throbbing ache in his head that spiders through his body to subside... and what was the other thing he wanted? He knew there was something, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Oh, right! Miles! Where the hell is Miles? Is he ok?

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