Chapter 8

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(Flash Back)

Vika and I had just left the school Friday night to head back home we were about 5 minutes from the house when we heard a scream. I sent Vika back to the house to keep her safe while I ran towards where the scream came from. When I arrived all I was to see was a Strigoi that had started to drain a Moroi, her guardian dead at their feet. I was enraged, and the next few minutes were all a blur of coulor, sound and pain. Eventually I had killed the Strigoi and I rushed to the woman’s side limping slightly at the pain in my leg.

She had lost a lot of blood and if I didn’t get help for her soon I was sure that she would die. It was only then that I realized that she was pregnant. She was probably only around 4 or 5 months. I knew she needed blood soon but we were on the mostly dhampir side of town. I pulled out my phone and called Mark and Oksana’s house.

“Hello” Mark answered sleepily.

“Mark I need your help! I just killed a Strigoi that had attacked a pregnant Moroi and she is in pretty bad shape!” I said probably sounding slightly delusional.

“Rose? Where are you?” He asked quickly. I could hear him moving around probably waking up Oksana.

“About 5 minutes west of Olena’s house! Please Hurry!” I said frantically.

“On my way” was his short reply.

I thanked him and hung up putting my phone away and looking at the woman again. Just the time I had spent on the phone had her looking worse. But there was nothing I could do to help her. Then I remembered the Guardian mantra. The mantra that I had given up on, they come first. This wasn’t just one life that I was protecting at the moment it was two. I knew how I could help, and I didn’t like it one bit. But better to be called a blood whore then to let two lives slip away because I was a chicken, because I wasn’t doing everything I could, like with Mason.

Although I knew I was slowly getting addicted, I had to do all that I could to save her life. I grabbed my stake and made a small wound on my neck where Lissa used to bite. Then I positioned the girl and she stirred slightly when the scent of my blood hit her. Still after all this time I wasn’t prepared for when she bit down and the endorphins flooded my system.

I saw a car pull up and stop. Some familiar looking people got out but I wasn’t sure who they were because of what was scrambling my brain. Soon my brain focused getting over the endorphins so much faster than the last time I was in Russia. I let her drink a few seconds longer before I tried to pry her off. She came away fairly easily and I lead her unsteadily to the familiar people. Before we even started the drive I was out cold, from blood loss and exhaustion.


When I came to, I was lying on the bed in one of the guest bedrooms at Mark and Oksana’s. I could tell it had to be near breakfast time because even from where I was I could smell the bacon. My mouth started to water as I slowly got up. I washed my face making sure all of the blood was off my skin and walked out to the kitchen. When I got there I saw a plate of bacon, eggs and the most heavenly looking doughnuts waiting for me. I picked it up and heard voices coming from the living room. I walked there already inhaling it.

I sat down near the girl I had saved last night, and heard her story. She was on the way back to the place where she was going to meet her husband when she and her guardian were attacked. Oksana had fully healed her and the baby last night. Mark and Oksana were going to be taking her back to where she was staying, while I headed home.

(End Flashback)

Andre, Mason, Eric, and Rhea had finished all there was to tell at the moment. Yes I was still hiding things but it was necessary for all of our survival. Especially how I was dying. They didn’t need to know that now. Each ghost of someone I cared about faded away again healing a cut as they went. I knew they would be back. They were always back to take care of me and keep me sane. The feel of ghostly fingers never stopped bothering me, the cold flashes that went through me. This always took so much energy out of me and I was too tired to do much more than mumble that I was tired and was going to bed before I left and went to my room for a good sleep.


The Silent HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora