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My hands were trembling as I stepped off the plane. Who the hell decides to have a winter wedding in Chicago? New York is better anyway. Standing at baggage claim wrapped in my coat and scarf, I was freezing my ass off and not in a cute way.
         "Macey!" I turned my frozen feet around to see Nolan walking towards me, a big smile on his face. "Nolan, my god you've grown up!" The shock nearly thawed me, his big, warm arms wrapped around me. "The last time you saw me I was 15 and you were teaching me how to drive," he was all smiles as he picked up my luggage off the belt "how'd you know..." still smiling he shook his head "who else would monogram a hard case? Now come on, let's see if you ever taught me anything about driving." The kid was so excited I couldn't help but forget about my frozen feet and resentment for this 'Sofia' from Chicago.
         "Why Chicago?" Nolan sighed turning the car on "Macey, can't you just..." "why Chicago? It has a higher murder rate in a month than the entire country of Canada in a year... it's also freezing. Besides no one wants any of that deep dish pizza crap... they want Brooklyn, New York pizza, from the real Italians." He rolled his eyes pulling out of the parking space, I may of been away for 7 or 8 or 10 years but he hasn't forgotten how to handle me. "Why Chicago?" I asked again, I just couldn't get the question out of my head, "she's from here, all her family is here," "all of his is in New York, they could of at least met in the middle in like Ohio or Canada," I grumbled leaning back in the warm leather seat as Nolan tried to maneuver his way through the traffic and snow, at least I taught him well... enough.
           "So what have you been up too?" He looked me in the eyes as we sat at a red light "dear god you were a psychology student" I smiled at him, he had always been like a little brother too me. "I'm just asking, your mom's sends out those emails and half the time I feel like she doesn't know what continent your on," I snickered thinking of all the emails that keeps all my mothers 'close family and friends' updated on what's going on... they are so stupid, but she cares for them so much that it's almost ridiculous. "I've been here and there... mostly there..." he snickered "the dreamers been grounded."

As I stepped out of the car in front of the hotel I heard the whispers which only made me smile more. "Who is that?" Those words made my day "she looks familiar..." I didn't bother to tell them I was on the cover of the magazine in their hands, it destroys the magic.

"There's my little sister," Blaise grabbed my arm smiling as he dragged me over to a group of people standing in front of the fire place. "So this is gem you've been hiding from us? The self made business woman," I smiled at the woman who seemed to be attached at the hip to my brother "Blaise I thought you were trying out being alone for a while?" That's when I got the glare "I guess not... now I really must go check in," I frowned as I turned around. Whoever that was I don't like her, she reeks of the West Coast and flashy cars.

"Nolan do you have a girlfriend?" I sat across from him at a table in the bar, he shook his head "you at least sleep with women though right?" His eyes went wide "woah, no way am I having sex with you Macey, your like my big sister..." I nearly chocked on my vodka martini "Nolan, I wasn't asking... I'm just checking up on you..." I turned my head to check out a tall dark and handsome guy ordering a drink "his name is Spencer or something... Sofia's best friend," he instantly became less attractive. "Where is that idiot brother of yours anyway?" Nolan shrugged "I heard something about Noah getting in late, something with the basketball team at his school..." I rolled my eyes frowning "with a mind like his, he could of been anything, yet he's a teacher..." Nolan just shrugged, he had always kind of lived in Noah's shadow, I felt bad for the kid, I was in Blaise's shadow for the most part, but now we're so far away our shadows don't even touch.

So she said "yes"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora