Why Do You Want to Come Here?

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While we were filling out the application package, we noticed there was an essay question that we needed to answer in 3-4 paragraphs. The essay question was "Why Do You Want to Be a Student at Boston Vocational High School?". Boston Voc was sort of my dream school and I had many reasons to want to go there, including the career classes and the ESL program. I was so excited to go that I finished my essay in one night while my other peers expend at least 3 nights on it. When I showed it to my teacher, she was very surprised, although it had a bunch of gramatical and punctuation errors. She helped me fixed the errors and helped me attach my essay with my application. Angie was very proud of me when I showed her my essay and since math was more of her thing and writing was mine, I helped her write hers as well and I strengthen my grammar and vocabulary by helping her.

By November 20th, everyone in my class had applied to BV and was waiting to get accepted. Ms. Peralta gave us a free day after the last day of applying and we planned on spending it very well.

While going out for lunch, we stopped in front of the teachers' lounge because Ms. Peralta needed something.
"¿Quién es esa belleza que va caminando por ahí?《Who's that cutie pie?》" Angie asked me while looking at a boy walking to the main office.
"He might be a bad boy, don't look at him, hahaha." I answered her.
"Because he is entering the main office. Duh!"
"Aannnddd??" Angie asked me.
"I've never seen the first student who wants to go to the main office."
"He might be new and lost, cause' I've never seen him here."
"Okay, that makes sense. Talk to him! (Giggles)"
"NO!" Angie said as if she had seen a ghost and I laughed, then we left.

At the end of the day, while walking out, we spotted the boy again and he of course, seemed lost.
"Ay va! Talk to him!" I told Angie.
"No Abs, I'm not talking to him." She answered.
"You need to start taking risks girl! If not, te vas a quedar jamona hahaha."
"Too young to think about staying single for ever. Come on hahaha."
"Well, successful people start working hard when they're young, if you know what I mean hahaha."
"Shut up haha!"
"Hahaha. But seriously, I dare you to ask him if he needs help."
"I hate you!" She said while walking towards him.

"Hi, you seem lost. Can I help you with anything?" She told him.
"Oh. Hi. Sorry. Umm, I'm just waiting for my mom to pick me up. Thank you anyways." He said with a shy smile.
"No problem. I'm Angie by the way, if you need anything and you see me around, just tell me."
"Thank you! I will."
"See you."

"OMG!! How was iiitt??" I instantly asked as soon as she came to me.
"I'll call your mom's phone later, your bus is here haha."
"Sometimes I hate this bus haha."
"Bye sis!"

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