My first kiss ..

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I just wanted to kiss him and hug him and be with him. I was falling in love. Just the thought of it made my mouth go dry and my palms get sweaty. Not too long after that We fell asleep cause I was too tired to argue and it actually felt nice to have him there with me.. He made me feel… safe not that I would ever tell him that. 

~ 2 days later ~ Nicole’s birthday

We were running around the house and going off, I was breathless. Mom told us we were going out so we were all getting ready at our apartment. She said it was somewhere fancy and I was confused why we were going out because we never went out but I guessed it was just one day to celebrate my birthday so I was okay with it. I took a shower and changed into a short black dress  I didn’t look like a slut, I looked cute mostly because i put on pink flats and some light pink lip gloss I didn’t wear too much make up just a little mascara. My hair was straight and long past my shoulders. I was headed outside but my bedroom door wouldn’t open so I had to force it a little when I  get it to open I stumble into my sister who’s just staring at me with a face that said.. “Wow” I just blushed. I walked out of the house and made my way to the car. My mom mentioned something about Liz meeting us there but I dint pay so much attention to it cause I was too busy thinking about Mitch… I fell into Cupid’s trap and I was mad.

We got to the restaurant and I was so happy cause we never do this Mom spotted Liz and we walked over to her and Mitch.. When I made my way over to the table Liz told me I looked beautiful, I blushed once again and sat down… I could tell Mitch hadn’t stop staring at me since I got there and that made me extremely nervous, I just looked down at the menu.

?: “Nicky!?”

I looked up.

Me: “Xavier?”

Xavier: “wow. You look amazing.”

I blushed… “thanks” my mom stood up and hugged Xavier we had been friends since kinder garden but he moved here about a year ago I had completely forgotten about that. He was cuter than I remembered. His mom made her way over and hugged my mom we introduce them to Liz and Mitch, Who was not very happy, I could tell he did not like Xavier but why? Anyways they all joined us and we ordered as soon as the waitress came by.  The night went by pretty quickly as we celebrated my birthday which I disliked … I felt a little uncomfortable but it was okay..  I guess.

When we couldn’t eat any more we said bye to Xavier who exchanged phone numbers with me and headed home.  Once inside the house I went straight to my room and put my straight hair into a messy bun and put some Superman Pj’s on. I heard Liz saying bye to my mom so I guess they were just picking up their stuff to leave I let out a heavy sigh.. I heard someone knock my bedroom door

Me: “ come in!”

The door opened and Mitch came in .. I was laying on my bed with my laptop on my lap checking my twitter account since Facebook got boring… He came in with a smile on his face.. I gave him a curious look and he came closer and sat at the edge of the bed handing me a small black jewelry box.. I looked at it and my eyes went wide as I opened it .. it was a heart shaped necklace. It was beautiful and I loved it. He took my and slowly put me to my feet .. he snuck up behind me taking the box and I lifted my hair he put the necklace on and kissed the side of my neck when he finished.. I shivered and he smiled into my neck. I turned around and before I knew it his lips crashed against mine sending crazy butterflies up and down my body.  After what seemed like forever we pulled away breathless I couldn’t believe how amazing my first kiss had been.

Mitch: “HappyBirthday”

Me: “Thanks” I smiled.  

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