List 1)

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what Otabek would search for in someone, whether this be a relationship or a friendship.

• Someone who doesn't always expect him into keep his emotions under a mask. (Like he does in public) because after all, he is human.

• Someone who won't hesitate to give him constructive criticism. On anything that he decides so.

•Someone who would agree the go walking with him at midnight if he was upset. Someone who would fly to anywhere in the world with him if he needed them too

•Someone he can trust, who can keep a secret and someone who can love him.

•Someone who he can share all his passions and hobbies with.

•Someone who would listen to his 3 am dark thoughts and help him realise that there is no fucking monster in that damn big creepy wardrobe next to his bed.

•Someone who will like him for who he is. Not who he pretends to be.

•Someone who won't just disappear into thin air and leave him when he needs them the most.

(Another thing that's been in my drafts. I have a couple 'lists' like this if people want more of them!)

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