Get out.

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And so the day carried on,Alex pissed at me and the tension growing in his shoulders and the air.Like the first clap of a storm building up for a storm. Every time I asked him a question he'd only toss me an angry look and respond distastefully.Eventually we snapped,and that's why I'm in the middle of New York,a few blocks down from the apartment, in a hotel. 

"Alex where's the baby monitor?"I called over my shoulder as  searched through the cupboards I knew full well that he couldn't reach.He lifted his lip up at me and snarled.

"So now you want to watch the cock block?"He sneered as all five foot three inches of him turned to glower at me.

"I never said I wasn't going to take care of him,Philip's a cute kid.I love him."I bite back.His eyes narrow at me and sneer seems to deepen into his lips,

"Oh now you care about him?"He clips at me.I huff,and narrow my eyes.The ridges in my spin pop out and shoulders haunch over,giving me a dangerous posture.

"I don't know what the hell has climbed up your ass,maybe it was wrong for me to make that comment earlier,but you are getting upset over a little thing.I-"My voice cuts off as Alex stalks over to me,he shoves a finger in my face and talks through bare teeth,a dry laugh spilling out with it.

"I get upset over little things?"he scoffs,eyes staring at me in disbelief."If I remember correctly years ago when you were an asshole,and you still are, you picked an pried at every little thing I did wrong.You dweled on the past and it made you even bigger of an asshole."

"Is that you're new favorite name to cal me or what?"I snarl and his eyes widen,a  smirk cocked in his lips.

"What would you like me to call you?Jefferson?"He snarks and my body freezes up.My voice turned ice cold and held just as much emotion.

"Whores' son."I shot back,his eyes widened and mouth dropped,tear rimmed his eyes and body shook with anger.His teeth clench so hard together I could hear them crack and squeak together.

"Get.Out."His voice is strained and tight,like a tight rope about to snap.His eyes are practically on fire with how much hate and heat are behind his eyes,his normally rich chocolate colored eyes are a bright and vibrant almost golden amber.

"W-What?"My breath catches in my chest as my posture melts into confusion and embarrassment.He only seems to grow as I melt further away,as he marches forward I stumble backwards towards the front door.

"Get the hell OUT!"He roars at me,I scramble out the door and don't take the time to slam hit,my bare feet hit the ground with my wallet in my pocket,I pause and turn back to the door stoop.

"A-Alex wait..."I gasp and look up at him,his face is cheery red and eyes furious.His body is braced as if he was going to slam the door,(spoiler,he does).

"Don't come back you motherfucking asshole!"He screams at me and slams the door.Leaving me out on the street.

A/N:Well,that took a turn extremely fast.

Hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day and fabulous night!


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