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 I stare down at June's grave and read the stone over and over:


June "Junebug" Iparis

 Fallen Prodigy,

 The Republic's Finest

 The ice-cold wind slams into my face and stings my eyes. I start to tear up from cold and sadness and look away from the slab of smooth rock. Taking a deep breath, I crouch down to gently place the new the bouquet of flowers onto the fresh dirt. Hesitantly, I stand back up and look at the grave again. A small baby tree starts to grow next to her new home, keeping her safe.

 "Hey, Junebug," I start to say, my voice cracking from weakness. "I, uh miss you a lot." A lump in my throat starts to grow.

 Now's not the time to cry. Be a man. She wouldn't want to see you like this. Make her happy.

 "You shouldn't have come with me to chase Day down," I blurt out. "It should have... it should be me beneath the dirt right now."

 The strong wind stops, like she is telling me that it's okay, that she's okay.

 "You um, probably know this but um... we found Day... dead in an, um, alley. He came up from under the sewers and we were too late to help him. Is he... with you?"

Day's body was brought to be burned and his ashes were disposed of by Elector Primo.   It was broadcast live over the entire republic.  He said it was to make a statement that criminals are nothing more than a pile of dust, and that they need to be destroyed.

 A light breeze comes and the small tree rustles its small branches up and down, like she is telling me yes.

 "Thomas is in prison now. He'll be shot by the firing squad next week." I have to take a deep breath before I can continue. "It will be hard, obviously, but there needs to be justice for what he's done to you... and Day... and... me too." My hand goes automatically to my chest, where a big scar lays underneath my uniform. I would've died if she wasn't there by my side to call for help and save me.

 "Thank you." I whisper softly to the stone. I stand there in silence for a while, the small breeze now warm. I could almost feel her warm arms hugging me, telling me that she loves me and she's here with me right now.

 I sit down next to the stone and hug it lightly. I must look insane, but I don't care; there's no one here to judge me. The rock seems... warm and... alive.

 "I'll always be here with you," I whisper softly, a stray tear running down my cheek. "Forever and ever, kid, until you get sick and tired of seeing me."

Walk in the Light, Junebug (Legend Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin