Chapter Three: The Death Of A Prussian

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~one year later in Alfred's point of view~

He got to him first. My best friend got to Mattie first and he knew, he knew I loved Matt. Gilbert fucking took him away from me. I felt so betrayed, so angry numb. Tonight those two would be going to the movies, and tonight would be the night I got my precious​ Canadian back.

~Gilbert's point of view~

I was walking to the movie theater with Matthew, I held his hand the entire way there...he was so perfect and he didn't even know it yet. His eyes were the most gorgeous shade of purple I had ever seen, his skin was amazingly soft and he always smelled faintly of maple syrup. I loved how soft his voice was, it sounded like an angels voice. I could honestly talk about him for hours.

We soon arrived at the movie theater and as we walked inside I saw Alfred. "Scheisse.." I mumbled quietly before asking Matt to get the popcorn and drinks and find us seats. Matt looked at me with concern but soon kissed my cheek and did as he was told.

~nobody's point of view~

Alfred walked up to Gilbert with a kind expression on his face. "Hey dude! Hows your date with Mattie goin'?" He said date with slight anger in his voice but Gil didn't seem to notice "Oh, it's going great! Kesesese, he looks so adorable tonight doesn't he?" He asked with a slight smile. Alfred's blood was boiling, he wanted so much to just kill him right then and there. "Yeah! He totally does!" Alfred strains to keep himself from killing him but then he got an idea. An awful, bloody idea.

The blond calmly lead the albino boy behind the theater and just as Gil was going to ask what was going on he shot Gil in the head. The crimson liquid seeped through Gil's head and some splattered onto Alfred's face. Alfred smirked as Gil's now lifeless body plummeted to the ground. He didn't want to be suspected as the one responsible for this so he wiped his finger prints off the gun and placed it on the ground near Gilbert's​ corpse and screamed.

Little innocent Matthew was still in the theater calmly watching the previews until he heard a gun shot and a scream. The scream sounded so familiar, then it was like a switch was flipped inside his was Alfred's scream.

~Mattie's point of view~

I dropped my popcorn and ran out of the movie theater, I ran past people and bumped into a few I quietly say sorry to each one of them as I make my way outside. I looked around ​the front of the theater and through the parking lot, I called out for Alfred as tears stream down my face, I then made my way to the back of the movie theater and stopped dead in my tracks. There I saw Alfred with a terrified expression on his face and my boyfriend lying dead on the ground with a gun....Gil...did he...did he just kill himself in front of my brother?

I collapsed onto the ground and sobbed, I sobbed uncontrollably and I heard another scream and someone quickly dialling a number "Hello?! There's been a suicide at Grande theaters! Yes, please come quickly!"

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