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Guys, I am SO sorry for not updating in ages- Honestly, I feel terrible!!!

I thought I'd put up 6 chapters, but I realised today I hadn't so, I sat down and began typing like crazy. This one is short also! :'( I am SO sorry!!!

I swear I'll try to update sooner. I don't wanna deny you guys from 7; that one's a treat.

Not gonna hold you back with my appologies any longer.

The door banged shut so hard, that the French windows remained rattling for several seconds. Jade jerked up out of her studies with a start. That could only be Nicki! She thought, pushing aside her books; they could wait. She spun her chair around to speak to her sister, but she was stopped by the expression on Nicki’s face – the girl was furious! As soon as she’d entered, she had thrown her bag across the table, flung her sneakers in the direction of the kitchen, and now, was stomping her way up the stairs.

“Nicki!” Jade called after her, following her to the landing, but even that couldn’t stop her. Within seconds, Nicki’s door banged shut as well. Jade winced.

             Seconds ticked past, till Jade thought it was safe enough to talk to Nicki. She knocked quietly on the door. No reply. “Nicki?” No reply. She opened the door a crack. A pillow came flying in her direction.

Jade shut the door fast. From inside came a noise that somewhat resembled a tornado. When at last that too had subsided, Jade opened the door, judging it was safe to enter.

            Nicki was sprawled on her bed, legs spread eagle-wide, head buried under pillow. Jade came up to the bed and, when Nicki didn’t show any sign of protest, sat on the edge of it.

“Nicki,” she said, “What’s bugging you? Tell me,”

“Jat shoupi ounce er, jat’s whah” came the muffled reply.

            Jade grabbed the pillow off Nicki, laughing, and said, “Say again?”

“That stupid counsellor! You know what she said? She was accusing me of being guilty!”

“Guilty?” Jade raised an eyebrow, “Of what?”

“I – dunno! I was out of that wretched place before she could even say”

           Nicki grabbed the pillow back and was about to bury herself in her sheets again. Jade stopped her.

“What?” spat Nicki.

          Jade said nothing, just put her hand on Nicki’s.

“What?” Nicki said again, her voice beginning to rise.

“Nicki…” Jade began, “Just coz the school counsellor said that, doesn’t mean–”

“I know it’s not true!” Nicki cut her across.

“Yes, but that wasn’t what I was going to say,” Jade said, patiently. “What I meant was…” she paused.

          Nicki looked at her sister expectantly.

“What I meant was… Oh, just forget what that counsellor said. She’s crap. The main thing is – you’ve gotta learn to accept he’s gone…”


In that second, doubt flickered through her mind. Was he? Nicki wondered, Was he really gone? On Monday, just yesterday, they’d broken the news – No, actually Jade had told her Sunday night. But she hadn’t believed Even on Monday, she was convinced it was a joke. But today, that all had turned around.

In Memory of Sabastian GreyWhere stories live. Discover now