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 A/N: Hey again guys! ok- this update was quicker than I excpected, so... well, it's not the best, I know. Just... point out where i can improve; i'd really appreciate your help! Also, tell me if the story is realistic enough?

[SAME APPLIES TO AFTER MY EDIT- I still need your help, guys]

Laughter rang down the road as Jade walked back home, hand in hand with Drake. “And then Simon was called to the front, and guess what Ol’ Brooke said?” he was saying, “‘If you’re going to throw paper planes at me,’ ” he continued, without waiting for her to answer, “‘at least aim right. Ask those Kindergarteners. They could give you a proper lesson!’ ” His caricature imitation captured the headmaster perfectly. Jade burst into laughter, just as they rounded into the driveway.

              Jade didn’t let go his hand. “You said you’ll walk me to my door,” she teased, pulling him in, causing them to be just inches apart, when the very door she was speaking of, burst open.

     “Jadina Martha Roberts!”

The two sprung apart. Caught. Jade flashed a glance at her father who loomed in the doorway. Caught. Caught, caught, caught. “What are you doing at home this early?” – The thought slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it. Wrong words. She was rewarded with a poisonous glare.

     “Inside. Now. And as for you, young man, I–”

     “Actually, sir, I’m leaving now, sir.” Drake backed up the driveway nervously. “I just… I just dropped her off ’cause the bus broke down…” He gulped, turned his back, and fled. Mr Roberts could be a very scary man at times.

            That was enough to get Jade mad. She didn’t so much as look at her father, just stormed indoors and slammed the door with a satisfyingly loud thud.

Her father followed her moments later, and stopped her from rushing upstairs: “Not so fast, Jade.”

              She stopped in her tracks, as her father continued, “What have I told you about inviting all these boys–”

     “I didn’t invite him,” she retorted, “he offered to drop me. You heard him,” she said, while all that while praising whatever force that had put that idea in his mind. Well, so much for slinking off to the kitchen together for an ice cream…

     “…don’t know why you’re hanging around with so many boys, even,” Mr Roberts had started again.

     “Dad, I’m fourteen!”

     “Exactly. In my day and age, we didn’t do this sort of thing at fourteen.”

     “Well, newsflash, Dad! This isn’t ‘Your day and age’”

A muscle twitched in his jaw; Michael Roberts seemed to have to make some sort of effort to stay calm. “Jade,” he started again, trying to be more gentle, “you don’t know what that boy is like, what he can do to you.”

             If possible, this got on Jade’s nerves even more. “He’s not one of those drunkard losers, Dad! I’ll never go out with that sorts. You don’t know Drake!”

             Drake Tyler was popular. That was the only way she could describe him. Popular, hot, one of the best basketball players – why, he was the captain of the school team; he was buff, tall, had a smile that could charm anyone; he was the dream of every girl – and he was going out with her! What has Dad got against that?

In Memory of Sabastian GreyWhere stories live. Discover now