Noisy trips to the beach and jumping out of cars!

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Aquarius was one of the first to wake up. When they looked around they saw Gemini in an uncomfortable position. She pondered for a moment on how he got like that. Then she spotted Taurus sleeping with potato chips on his shirt.

Scorpio was sleeping in the trash can that had many boxes piled ontop. The only reason she could see him was because he had his arm poking out. Aries was sleeping upside down, legs hooked to the support beam. Cancer and Pisces ended up cuddling in the middle of the night. Sagittarius was sleeping with the xbox controller. Capricorn was sleeping on his phone probably dreaming about wifi.

Leo and Virgo were sleeping normally (surprisingly). Libra was sleeping upstairs so she couldn't see what she was doing. The house was somewhat messy only being semi-decent because Cancer woke up in the middle of the night. Then she started cleaning, falling asleep half way. Having a fantastic idea Aquarius ran to her room and grabbed an air horn. She plugged things in her ear and let 'er rip. (Like a fart jk) Gemini stayed asleep. Aries fell from the ceiling right ontop of Leo. Taurus broke his fort and smashed his chips into a thousand pieces. Cancer and Pisces had mini heart attacks as they hugged each other.

Scorpio being stuck in the trashcan, bangged his head. Virgo hit the wall since she was sleeping so close to it. (Idk how to explain it so use your imagination, cue spongebob). Capricorn shot up and stared as the source that destroyed his dreams (literally). Libra was sill up stairs but you could hear a loud thump come from upstairs.

Sagittarius morned the loss of his controller and Taurus mourned the loss of his chips.
"Alright sleepy heads its time to get up, we're going to the beach" Aquarius shout most of them went back to bed and the rest went to get some coffee. Aquarius pouted then smirked devilishly, she grabbed the airhorn and let the lion roar. Everyone jumped up and Libra was heard falling from her bed.

Capricorn looked at his phone and saw it was 5:00 in the morning.
"Why are you even up so early" he asked.
"Dunno, I got bored of my dreams" she replied. Capricorn pondered how she could get tired of her dreams then shrugged.
"The beach is 3 hours away so lets get moving" dispite not wanting to go everyone packed up so they wouldnt have to hear the stupid airhorn again.

Leo got in the drivers seat and buckled up. As he pulled out of the garage Virgo told him where to go. Taurus instantly falls back asleep. Scorpio grumbles as he reads a book the whole trip (it was twilight XD). Aries immediatly asks are we there yet after 5 minutes into the ride.
"Are we there yet"
"Are we there yet"
"Same answer"
"Are we there yet"
"Are we there yet"
"Someone do something to make her stop"
"Hey Aries lets play some games instead" Cancer said, Cancer was ignored. Gemini was reading guide book and spouting trivias instead of enjoying the views. Capricorn was momentarily annoyed that he had to sit for 3 hours, stuck with a group of annoying bugs. (Thats not nice Capricorn, I'm one of those bugs).

Libra sits in the passanger seat and plays her music. Everyone complained about her music leaving Libra to be pissed. She plugged her headphones in and played music on her phone. Sagittarius was in the backseat driving to the max. Cancer handed him a nintendo and he started playing games instead.
"Who wants snacks" Cancer asked
"Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Taurus immedIately shot up and ate twinkies, carrots and chips then fell back asleep. Everyone else chowed down preparing for the long trip. Pisces was too busy sticking her hand out the window and daydreaming to notice.

3 hours later
"WOOOOO THE BEACH" Aquarius jumps out of the car as its backing up to park.
"What the hell!?!?!"
"Oh no!"
"I hope she fell!!"
"Are you okay!!"
"Typical Aquarius"
"How did she not get hurt"
"Oh my"
"Hahahahah, she could've died!!"
They all got out and played at the beach.
So how was the chapter? I always ask that! So this might sound selfish but I need you guys to be more active. Comment or something! I cant tell if you are liking this book or not so I'm not sure if I should continue or not. I NEED TO KNOW PLZ!!! Hit that star or something?! But still I appreciate you guys just reading this book!!! Ya know what it doesnt matter just enjoy the book thats fine with me as well!!! Thanks a bundle Minions!!
Random OUT! Throws smoke bomb
*cough *cough bad idea
Walks away.

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