Freedom of Summer

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The morning started with the Zodiac causing utter chaos, to a poor unsuspecting classroom teacher.

Cancer and Pisces were chatting on their way to school.
"So CanCan (can you do the can can!) how do you feel about the last day of school so far" Pisces asked
"we're going to have so much work to do and all the summer reading, and the summer homework, then theres the issue on finding a good way to spend it, (please don sue me for the Phineas and ferb refrence) as well" Cancer groaned in protest
"Just be happy today is the last day of school! No school for like, three months!" Pisces sighed happily, looking up into the sky dreamily unknowingly starting to tune out Cancers complaints.

Cancer, unaware of Pisces state, babbled on the entire trip.
On the other side of the road Sagitarius was eagerly telling stories of their previous summer vacation and how to improve the next summer.
They rambled happily to Virgo, walking with a pep in their step.

Virgo was communicating telepathically to Sagi, or at least what the idea was.
"Hey Vee what are you going to do this summer? If you have nothing to do maybe I can get the gang together and we can spend summer together!" Sagi gasped exitedly
Virgo sent a blank stare Sagi's way, staring until they started to fidget uncomfortably.
"Heh yeah me too," Sagi mumbled in distress
A large grin spread onto Virgo's face, it was very contagious as a grin started to form onto Sagittarius' face.
"Finally someone responded! I'm going try it on other students now! Thanks!" Virgo cheered
As stated before Virgo stared down everyone passing their view, they thought it was terrifying.

5 minutes later~

(Almost) Everyone got to class on time right when the bell rang. The teacher walks in and gives an immediate lesson on the cold war. Aries was silently fuming infront of the class as they just walked in with a late slip. Leo was staring at them looking like they wanted to either strangle a teddy bear, give a very violent hug. Then on the opposite end was Scoripo, who was casually leaning their head on one of their hands, eyes darting every where at an alarming speed.

Capricorn was writing notes with a bored expression on their face doing their work like a good student. Cancer followed suite nagging Gemini to stop bragging about his 'history skillz' or something. And yes, they spelt it with a z. So instead of writing down notes, Gemini had taken to throwing small paper balls at the teacher, everytime his back was turned. It lead to a very intersing lesson on midevil torture, and an extremely red teacher.

Aquarius is no where to be seen, then out of no where they kick the door in causing the entire class to face the door. They walk into class casually and flops onto their chair going boneless.
"Your late" Mr. Mills stated at the foot of their desk
"And your late too" Aquarius grinned
"And what would I be late for" Mr. Mills asked
Aquarius snapped their neck in their teacher direction so quickly the entire class could hear the pop and gave a dead panned stare before answering "your funeral"
The class burst into laughter like a bunch of middle schoolers as Mr. Mills face turned beet red.
Taurus rolled their eyes and silently whispered "idiots everywhere" as (almost) everyone else laughed

Libra wasnt paying attention at all, instead they were on the phone. Texting Scorpio about a new pizza joint and asked if they wanted to ditch. Sadly Scoripo declined, not wanting to miss the free entertainment.

"Mr/s. Aquarius" Mr. Mills hissed through his teeth
"Thats my name dont wear it out" Aquarius finger gunned Mr. Mills winking
"Detention!" he screeched, when he finally got the class to calm down Mr. Mills gave Aquarius a detention slip and 3 others Gemini and Libra for not paying attention, and Sagitarius for talking in class. Which he seethed at very openly about, standing up and screaming "outrageous, utterly outrageous," in a very bad posh brittish accent. Some how Scorpio managed to avoid detention by slipping their phone into their backpack at the last minute.

School over~
"Hey guys lets have a slumber party!" Aquarius suggested
HELLO EVERYBODY HOW WAS THE FIRST CHAPPIE? I hope it was good the next chapter will have what I thing the signs would look like. If you dont like what I put you can imagine what you want it to be.

Edit- I changed the signs so none of them had a specific gender, and am now putting this story under editing. Hope it was okie! Later taters!

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