Chapter 25: Demons

Start from the beginning

"Please don't mention any of this to anyone. This stays between us three." She shook her head in agreement, coming over and taking my hand as we all left the water. The sun was evaporating the water off our skin instantly, a fierce example of the extreme heat today in comparison to the storm last night. I had a feeling the funky weather changes had to do with the ghosts and little upsets to their world. Cole wasn't doing what he was supposed to do. He wasn't attempting to try and move on, he was serving some other purpose, disrupting the balance.

In silence, we picked up our stuff off the ground, shaking out the sand before trudging back to the car. I was disappointed in myself for ruining the day for my best friends. It was completely selfish of me to do that and I was allowing my heart to rule my head. Sure it was okay to be emotional sometimes, but to worry my friends like that? I don't know what I was thinking. Obviously I wasn't thinking. Climbing into the car, Tom made me sit up front again. He was keeping an eye on me. Almost like suicide watch. Sure there was a time after the accident I was almost that bad, but surely a little slip up like today wasn't worth that? I needed to just focus and reign in my emotions, getting the carefree, happy Terrie back. I missed her. I couldn't let everything that was happening fuck me up.

I needed to get back into baking.

That was my thing, as odd as it was. Most people had a creative outlet for emotions, this was mine. I'd get into the kitchen for hours at a time, mastering new techniques and perfecting desserts. Once I'd done that, I began inventing my own desserts and cakes. Most of them tasted delicious. There was the odd one or two that was feral and went into the garbage, but my time was spent productively there. It gave me something I could have complete control over, something that didn't cause me harm. Except to give me diabetes from all the sugar I ended up eating. Plus my parents and Adds loved it. Who wouldn't love free dessert?

It was my little escape from reality and the stress around me. Ghosts were becoming my reality and it was full on and freaking me out. I think I was kidding myself into believing I was okay with helping them. I'd finally made my peace with the fact they'd been killed and was moving on, but now they all come back and ruin that for me, invading my thoughts, my life. Dislike. Asking Tom quietly whether I could make a simple caramel cheesecake when we got to his house, he stuttered in surprise, saying sure. Smiling with a closed mouth, I leant back in my seat, closing my eyes and trying to find peace. Hearing Tom and Ames make small talk, I took a deep breath, letting the sound of their voices calm me. They were a part of my new life after the accident. Being here with them was what I needed, what I think I'd been craving without realising.

As we dropped Ames off, she gave me a quick squeeze, telling me she loved me before exiting the car. Her quiet words brought tears to my eyes. How I loved that girl. She was the sister I never had. And the fact she felt the need to remind me of how much she cared only emphasised their opinion on my mental health. Cheesecake, come at me bro.

Tom pulled into his driveway, switching the engine off. His exhaled loudly, turning to me.

"Terrie, I'm trying to help you okay? But you need to let me. I know everything's been full on, especially with five ghosts roaming the halls. But let me in, let me be there for you, let me help you. I know I did abandon you for a while, but I'm over my feelings. You're my best friend, I need you to be okay." His face was so sincere, eyes full of regret and hope, posture tense, awaiting my reaction. Instead of saying 'Okay, I'm sorry, I'll try harder' or something, I blurted this out.

"Lara's back. She's here." I was an idiot, but he was going to find out eventually. Better from me now than later from someone else. His face paled, as much as a tan person can pale I guess. I watched his Adam's apple bob up and down as he audibly gulped, his eyes dropping suddenly to the gearbox. It wasn't even an interesting gearbox.

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