Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It shouldn't affect me, he's just nervous about something...but Jane did say that he never wanted a relationship before RJ. Wait, did he say never? What if he's thinking about breaking up? I mean, he has been avoiding me for a week and he almost tenses whenever I hug him or even just hold his hand. That's it then, he wants to break up with me. Guess the kiss was a mistake after all.

She stares mindlessly at the mountain of paperwork that Hightower so graciously gave to her; willing herself to move but failing. In fact, she doesn't even notice Jane coming in until he rests his hand on her shoulder.

"That's a lot of paperwork, where did it come from? I didn't do anything."

"No, your okay."

"Well in that case-he says cheerfully-do you want to go out for lunch? There's this café that you'll love I just know it!"

He leans over and gives a very confused Teresa a kiss, then he takes her by the hand and tries to lead her out of her office but she pulls back; not understanding what's going on.

"Wait what? I don't understand... you like me now?"

Jane's expression goes from cheerful to concerned.

"Of course I love you, have I done something wrong?"

" haven't shown it for the past week."

His smile falters but he tries to make a joke out of it.

"That's just lost time, I was busy that's all. Please let me make it up to you."

Lisbon crosses her arms.

"You were busy? You tensed whenever I hugged you and you would flinch if I held your it me? Do you not want to be in a relationship because its okay if you do. I'm a strong girl I can take it."

"No. No. I love you, I love you. That-that was just something I needed to sort through that's all.-he wraps his arms around her-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.."

"Well, it wasn't very nice. I mean if you don't want to tell me then alright but you can't just do that. It's unprofessional."


She looks up at him and Jane lets her out of his arms.

"Well? Why have you been acting this way?"

He mumbles something and looks away.

"You're going to have to speak up."

"You play his game, by his rules, and you never make him mad."

It takes but a split second for her to go from concern to anger and she ruffly pushes him away.

"Oh what so he's in control of our relationship now!? Dammit Jane if you had only just told me! I would have had a lead!"

"A lead?"

"Yes! I've been digging deeper in Victor's case and I think I know Red John's title now. Police officer, not FBI or CBI just an average police man."

"Where's your proof?"

"Proof! Oh no you don't get the story until you make up for this past week!"

"...You're taking control of our relationship then?"

"You better believe it. Keep on avoiding me and I won't give you anything."


Just something on the fly, I hope you like it!

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