Chapter 12

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Hey guys this is the final chapter of We'll Meet Again. I will be writing a new fanfiction after this so please check it out. Thank you for continuing to read this story. Thank you for the comments and the votes. I'm going to dedicate this last chapter to MoonWolf2002, midnightspade, and Baker4ever. I hope you all enjoyed Bruce and Selina's journey as much as I did. This chapter takes place during the Batman's first appearance in Gotham. Without further ado the final chapter.

Selina's POV
It has been a little over ten years since I left Gotham City. Ten years since I ran away from Mask. Ten years since I've seen Bruce Wayne. I never forgot my lost love. Even though I haven't seen him for many years my feelings are as strong as ever. It was night when I changed into my skin tight suit. While I've been gone I've trained in stealth, acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat, and breaching skills. I am going to use those skills to help the poor here in Gotham. I'll make sure they don't end up like me. I've dubbed my self the Catwoman, after all I am a cat burglar. As I landed on a building next to the bank I sensed someone near me. I slowly turned around annoyed to be interrupted when I had something important to do. "What do you want? I'm kind of busy at the moment and don't want to deal with whoever you are," I said. A man wearing a pointy eared mask and a long cape walked out of the shadows. "Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"I am Batman and you shouldn't be trying to rob this bank. If you even take another step closer to it I will be forced to take you to Arkham Asylum," the newly identified Batman growled.

"Oh no I'm so scared. Your going to take me to Arkham! Oh whoa is me, whoa is me! News Flash Bat, this cat has claws and she's not afraid to use them," I hissed. Batman charged at me arms wrapping around my legs. I grinned, maybe having some fun with this bat would lighten the mood. I shifted my body so my face was centimeters away from his. "If you just wanted to play you should've said so Tiger," I say smirking.

Batman's face lights up in confusion, "Selina? Selina Kyle? Is that you?"

"How do you know my name?" I asked confused.

Batman slowly peeled off his cowl, "It's me Selina. It's Bruce Wayne."

I gasped and wrapped my arms around Bruce. Bruce did the same and we held onto one another for what seemed like hours.

"What happened to you?" we both said at the same time.

"You first," Bruce said.

I sighed, "After I left Gotham I decided to train so I can defend myself from Black Mask and anyone else. But, I wanted to stay true to myself. And Selina Kyle is a cat burglar. I became Catwoman. I steal and give most of my money to the people in Crime Alley."

"You know stealing is a crime, Selina. Even if your giving it to the needy," Bruce said.

"Has that ever stopped me Tiger?" I reply with a smirk.

"Touche Kyle," Bruce growled.

"I'm getting older waiting for you to tell me your story Tiger," I said.

"Right. Well, after you left I began to train. I didn't want anyone to end up like me. Dark and all alone. I became the Batman, to protect the people of Gotham City." Bruce said

I nodded and sighed realizing something.

"I still love you Bruce. But, your a hero and I steal things for a living." I said.

Bruce frowned, "I love you too Selina. It doesn't matter who we are I still want to be with you."

"How can we when the police will always be after me!? What happens if they actually catch me!? You can't break me out if your Gotham's hero. You can't punch the police if their your allies," I said annoyed.

Bruce looks me in the eyes and walks closer. He wraps his arms around me and puts his lips onto mine. After a long drawn out kiss, Bruce pulls away. 

"Than don't be a villain. Don't steal. Become a hero. Stay with me. We can finally be together. Let's just be Bruce and Selina." Bruce said holding my face in his hands.

I look at Bruce's eyes and my heart begins to thump faster and faster. I know deep inside that I love him. But, I can't change who I am just so I can be with him. "Bruce.....I can't just change like that. I can't just become a hero," I say.

"You don't need to change Selina. Your already a hero. You sacrificed your happiness for the safety of everyone in Gotham. You saved Gotham from Black Mask. That makes you a hero. A hero that I fell in love with," Bruce said.

I blushed and wrapped my arms around Bruce's neck. "I'll take that as you are going to stay," Bruce said.

I grinned, "I told you Tiger. We'd meet again."

Thank you guys for reading!!!!! See you in my next fanfiction!

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