Chapter 4

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Sorry for taking so long to write another chapter. I've been busy with school and life. Anyway....Here is chapter 4!!! Hope you enjoy it. I've decided to only write from the perspectives of Bruce and Selina. Tell me what you think in the comments.

Bruce's POV
After Selina left the dining room Alfred began to explode. "You know you are not allowed to do anything with young woman. Especially woman you have just met!" Alfred said with fury. I sigh, I haven't done anything with a woman yet. I'm still a freaking virgin."You have got to be kidding me Alfred. You know I would never do anything! Check the security cameras if you think I'm lying. You raised me, Alfred! I think you would know the type of person your surrogate son is!" I replied furiously. Alfred's angry face turned into one full of shame and guilt. "I apologize Master Bruce. I shouldn't of assumed you and Mistress Selina did anything."
"It's alright Alfred, you were just being protective. Selina is.... different than other girls....I guess she's smarter.... She's..." I replied at a loss of words. Alfred chuckled and began to clear the table. Confused, I decided to work on my fighting skills before speaking to Selina. Once I reached the gym I began to warm up. After 50 consecutive push-ups, I kicked the punching bag that stood in the corner of the gym. I was so focused I didn't notice that Selina was standing by the doorway of the gym. She sighed, "Why didn't you come up to my room? I was hoping to talk." My anger began to build, what was wrong with this girl, can't she see that I'm not interested. I began to punch the bag with all my fury and bottled up rage. Selina began to walk towards me and attempted to grab my left fist. I pivoted and twisted her arm behind her back. "What are you doing, Kyle" I said menacingly. Instead of replying Selina elbowed me in the jaw and backflipped out of my reach. In a perfect fighting stance, Selina replied, "I just want to talk Wayne! Nothing more, nothing less." I eyed Selina warningly. "Fine, what do you want!" I replied venom dripping from my voice.
Selina broke her stance and replied, "You know, I learned to fight on the streets. I also learned you need to blend in. In Gotham it's every girl for herself. So, when you live in Crime Alley, you do things you don't want to. You steal, you kill, you join a few gangs. You look for a way out of a crappy life. I'm not a seductive slut, Bruce. So, you don't have to be mad at me. I just thought that, you could be my ticket out of Crime Alley. Maybe you could've gotten me away from my mother. My abusive, idiotic mother. I pretended to be someone I thought rich people would like. Apparently you're different than those stuck-up brats. I'm sorry for acting this way. " I was shocked. This girl wasn't who I thought she was. She was just someone who needed a safe place to live. Regretfully, I replied, "I'm sorry for judging you and getting mad. Wayne Manor can be your home now, if you want. We could get to know each other better. The real us, not a facade.What do you say Selina?"
Selina grinned, "I would love to stay here Bruce. Let me get my stuff from Crime Alley and than I can officially move in."
"No need Selina I can get you new things." I said. Selina paced the room in deep thought. I didn't understand her hesitation, I mean she said she hated Crime Alley. "No, it's fine Bruce, you don't have to waste your money on me. Plus, I should tell my mother where I am even if she is a terrible person." Selina finally replied. I nodded and summoned Alfred to the gym. "Alright than, Alfred will drive you there," I say. Just as I uttered those words Alfred appeared at the door. He led Selina out of the gym and toward the garage. I still didn't completely trust Selina. I want to, but there's another reason she wanted to go back to Crime Alley. I will find out what she is hiding, one way or another.

Wow, this is actually a longer chapter. I hope you enjoy. Please follow me and comment on this story. I'll update as soon as possible. Bye Bye!!!!! 🌌🐱

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