Yoonhye smiled and didn't response to Jongdae's statement. "Show me your hyung's room." She told him.

"Sure! Follow me, noona." Sehun led Yoonhye to Jongdae's room then left her there while he went back downstairs for his games.

Yoonhye looked around Jongdae's room, and found that there's actually not much things. His room is simple. The blanket has blue and white stripes on it, while the wall of the room is painted with sky blue. One of the colour that Yoonhye likes. The tiles were white color and in front of the bed, there's a table. Beside the bed was the wardrobe and beside it is the door lead to the bathroom.

Yoonhye walked to his desk, and found that there's a few pieces of paper on it. On the top of the papers, all wrote 'Songhyun'.

Due to her curiosity, she took up the papers, and started reading through it.


It's just the first month that you left but I miss you already. That is normal, isn't it? Missing the one you love a lot.

I've never imagined how life will be without you. I never dare to imagine that, but it happens now. I have no choice but to face it now. I can't escape from it, isn't it?

I promise that I wouldn't fall in love with other person. Even if I want, I couldn't too. My love for you is too deep. Deep enough that it couldn't fit anyone in my heart now.

Love, Jongdae

Only love, Cho Songhyun.

People look at me with weird stares. Almost the whole school knows you passed away because of me. If I wasn't that stupid, you wouldn't leave me too.

I don't mind if others look at me like that. I don't mind if the whole word turn their back against me, because I know, at the end, you'll always be by my side.

I should start getting use with all those states. It isn't a bad thing, though, don't worry about me, Songhyun-ah. At least, they know that Cho Songhyun is Kim Jongdae's property.

Love, Jongdae

Dear Songhyun,

I met someone alike with you today, Songhyun. Her name is Kim Yoonhye. You are way prettier than her, of course. You don't look alike, but the moment I met her, she reminded me about you. It's not her look, or even her personality. It's her aura.

Remember our first meeting, Songhyun? The time when we were both four years old. That moment when I first felt something special for a girl. That is puppy love, like what you say.

I saw a pair of young child who were quarrelling over who made the ice cream fell to the ground today. Looking at then quarrelling cutely, I could already see their future together, loving happily as a cute and happy couple. But I hope that they wouldn't turn out like us.

Love starts at moments like this, Songhyun.

Love, Jongdae


This is my first snow without you. I never expected that my first snow without you, I will be watching it with Kim Yoonhye. Don't be jealous, Songhyun. I was with her because I met her when I decided to go out for a walk. Since she was new to here, so I just offer her to walk with me to the park.

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