18; Jared Leto Joker Request

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Imagine: Kate made the Joker by leaving him, two years later he finds her and confesses his love for her.

"Hello, honey." Jack, her husband, kissed her on the cheek when he arrived from "work".

"Hey," Kate replied short with him.

"What's for dinner?" Jack sat down at the couch in the living room.

"I know what you did tonight." She hissed at him, grabbing his attention.

"What?" Jack asked, confused.

"I know what you did tonight. Or should I say who you did tonight." Kate's mouth practically dripped with venom.

"Honey, what are you talking about?" Jack stood up and tried to grab Kate.

"Don't touch me!" She shrieked, causing Jack to jump back.

"Baby, I was at work." Jack nervously swallowed.

"If you call Abby Jackson's house "work" then yes, you were at work." She spat and turned to walk up the stairs.

"Baby, wait I'm so sorry." Jack pleaded as he followed her into her and Jack's bedroom.

Kate bent down and grabbed her suitcase from under the bed and opened it.

"You are only sorry because you were caught." She growled, not looking at him as she grabbed her clothes and fitted them into her suitcase.

"Please please stay, you'll all I have." Jack wrapped his arms around Kate's waist.

She ripped herself from his arms and continued to pack everything.

"Now you have nothing." She said quietly before zipping up her suitcase and grabbing her coat.

"No no no! Please Kate, I'm so sorry. I wish I can take it back. Just please stay." Jack grabbed onto her coat sleeve and tug a little.

"Let go." Kate demanded.

Jack, in defeat, let go of her sleeve as a tear ran down his face. He watched her walk down the stairs with her suitcase in hand and out the door. As soon as the door close he sank to his knees and cried. Then anger struck, causing Jack to cuss and throw things all over the room. Jack rushed down towards the kitchen, grabbed a knife and hopped into his car.

The next morning on the news a murder was reported and the victims name was Abigail Jackson.


Two years past after Kate left Jack. Over the two year span, an infamous Gotham's Most Wanted criminal was born. His name was the Joker. He had clubs, girls, booze and money but it never filled the hole that was inside him.

His main intention was to find her and never let go as he did two years ago. That was his biggest regret, letting go of her sleeve and watching he walk out of his life. Tonight was the night that his old life was over. When the only person he ever loved walked out on him.

Currently, Joker was sitting in his club, drinking wine from the bottle and watching the dancers in his club swing around their poles.

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