14. Hi...Awkward...

Start from the beginning

And as I look, I see her walking out my room, Lukas stumbling off the couch, and Jack just the same. I am so confused right now. Did he...let them move in?

Lukas was the first to see me as he jumped off the floor, running at me as he knocked the air out of me. I coughed playfully as we hugged. But soon he was shoved away by Dexter, his eyes wild as I could sense his need to protect me. 

"Dexter..." I growl, and he steps back as I'm his Barrier, rubbing his shoulder as I calm him down.

"Renee!!!! Oh..." Kelly was now in front of me as she was looking at the twins now. She batted her eyes and looked away, popping her hip. But I could tell they weren't interested in her.

"We filed a missing persons report! We all thought you were dead. And...hi." Kelly waved at the twins, but they only started walking around the apartment as Ernest headed into my room and  Dexter headed into the kitchen.

It was...awkward as they went through all our stuff and I heard something rip in my room. I don't think they heard it as Kelly was to busy studying Dexter scavenge in the kitchen.

"What are you searching for?" She asks in a high, sweet voice as he sniffs the air.

"You guys have a special knife of mine. I think...I think you should give it to me." His voice growled and she was smiling at him as Jack and Lukas were baffled.

I laughed awkwardly as the attention was now on me. Ernest was running out my room as he was holding dirty laundry of mine. I raised my eyebrows as I looked at everyone awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a dull whisper as I tried not to show my awkwardness, this was awkward enough.

"Can I keep your dirty clothes? It smells good...!" He sniffed my dirty shirt that I wore a long time ago.  I was shocked why that wasn't cleaned, but I shrugged like this was normal.

"Sure. Why though?"

"Because, I love smells like this." He fished out one of my old pairs of underwear and I blushed as Jacks face blushed furiously.

"Okay! Stop that! Just...just don't make a mess!" I stomped my foot and he smiled happily, running back to my room.

I looked to Dexter as he was holding the Liam's knife. His eyes were furious as he was glaring at Kelly.

"Where'd you get this?"

"Don't know. Ask Jack." Instantly when she said that he was flying across the room to Jack as he was holding the collar of his shirt.

"Did you get this from a man with the last name of...Couteau?" The way he said it sounded actually French. Jack nodded as fear was present in his eyes.

"Um...I think that's enough Dex-."

"We need to leave. Now. Ernest!" He called as he grabbed my arm. Ernest coming out as he held some of my dirty clothes.

We rushed out as I never was able to have a proper conversation with my friends...

As they slammed the door I yanked away as anger could not describe the feeling of how I felt right now.

"What, the hell, was that! You both failed at trying not to hide the fact at what you are you hear me! You. Both. Failed!!" I yelled.

They were just staring at me blankly, their heads quickly snapping at the sound of a door closing. Once Dexter sniffed the air his eyes were black and quickly, I saw Ernest's change too.

"He's here. He's walking over here right now! Go hide, NOW!" Dexter shoved me as I fell, watching as Liam was turning the corner. He was clueless, his eyes surprised as he saw the twins rushing at them at full speed.

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