Hannah's Magic Touch

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Hannah woke up from her nap, her vision blurry and her head thumping. Another night of barely any sleep. Her mother assured her that it soon would be less tiring. That she needed to nap whenever Emilia was napping. She could only get those naps in because of Nero. If he hadn't been by her side this would have driven her insane. She was sleep deprived, her body ached and she knew she didn't look that hot either. Stretching a bit, she rolled out of bed and freshened up.
Strolling out of the bedroom she followed the sound of Nero's deep voice. He was reading Emilia a story. As she approached them she noticed how Emilia was fixated on her daddy's face. Her eyes taking him in while he read her a fairytale.
Hannah sat down beside her husband and rested her head upon his shoulder. Inhaling deeply, she enjoyed the fresh scent of his cologne. His warmth seeping into her body, dulling the aches she felt all over. Nero was her strength when she didn't feel like she could move forward. She smiled when she felt his lips against her temple. A gentle gesture of him also appreciating her.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah, thanks."

A soft chuckle left her lips when she noticed Emilia clutching her dad's finger. She recognized their voices and when they paid her lots of attention she communicated back with soft noises. Her eyes always focusing on their faces.

"If you feel up for it, I thought we could have lunch outside. I reserved us a table at the pool."

"The VIP spot?"

He met her gaze, "Of course. It's also less crowded, I'm sure Emilia can handle that. I think the two of you need some fresh air."

"True. I loved having dinner with your dad and his lady friend."

Nero snorted, "Please, don't remind me."

Hannah sat up and observed her husband's face, "I thought you were okay with them being together."

"I'm okay with it." He told her, "That doesn't mean I want to start bonding with her and call her my mother. She is nice enough and she makes dad smile, I can see those things and I'm happy dad can finally be happy again with someone by his side. But can we leave it at that?"

"Sure." Hannah ran her fingers through her hair, "If we're eating outside I want to dress up a little."

"You look fine." He called after her.

"Yeah, says the man who is married to me." She called back, "I'll be back in a second."

She could hear Nero complain to Emilia, she knew the baby was all ears. She was four weeks old and she showed interest in them by listening closely and her eyes taking them in. It was precious to see the changes in her. She knew Maria had been right from the start. She was still healing and being deprived of sleep wasn't ideal, but those precious little moments made her think about having a big family with Nero. He proved to her over and over again that he was her rock. It amazed her even more to see how he could move forward without barely any sleep. He was a machine and she was grateful for that. She was keeping a close eye on him though. She knew sooner or later he'd need to crash hard. He'd need to refuel to keep going like that. When the time came she knew she could count on her mother and Valerio to support them.


Hannah was glad she decided to wear her bikini, she did wear a see through dress on top of it because she didn't feel comfortable about her own body. It didn't matter to her what Nero told her, she still believed in what she told him that morning. He was biased because he was her husband. She was glad he supported her like that, but it wasn't reality.

"I'm thinking about hiring someone to watch over Emilia every once in a while."

Nero released Emilia's little hand and narrowed his eyes on her, "Why? We managed to take care of her without the help of outsiders."

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