Nero's Surprise

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Holding onto his tablet Nero watched as his father casually strolled through the door, holding another colorful cup from that little coffee shop he kept visiting. He snickered, walking around his desk and taking a seat on the couch instead, watching as his father approached him, raising an eyebrow at him in question. His father was a proud man, sensitive at times, but nevertheless proud. Getting made fun of by his only son was something his father frowned upon. At least he used to frown upon it, nowadays his father mellowed. Sometimes caring too much.


"You do realize you're addicted to the coffee from that place-" He nodded to the cup his father was holding, "Right?" He trailed his eyes to his tablet and scanned through his emails, "Should I be jealous of the fact that my father prefers the coffee from some little coffee shop?" He asked jokingly, "The restaurant downstairs serves excellent coffee, only working with the best quality of beans."

"Have you tried it, Nero?" His father asked, raising the cup to his lips and taking a sip, "It's good. You can tell the woman puts a lot of effort into it. The right amount of milk and the beans, they're so rich in flavor-"

"I get it." Nero smiled, "That coffee is made with love, is that it?"

"Mocking your father?" Valerio scoffed, "Have I not taught you any manners?"

"Relax, dad, I was just joking around." Nero looked up from his tablet, "But you have visited that place for weeks now. Maybe I should pay it a visit too?"

"You should." Valerio rested back against the couch and stared ahead, his eyes taking in the portrait Nero had put up behind his desk, it was their family portrait and the sight of it made Valerio smile, "The girl who always makes my coffee is pregnant."

Nero frowned, not understanding why his father was telling him that, "Okay?"

Valerio sat up straight and faced his son, "There is something about her, she seems familiar to me. I just can't place her." He narrowed his eyes at his son, "You should visit that place and let me know why she looks so familiar to me. It's driving me insane not being able to place her."

Hearing his father sound so frustrated over it made him chuckle, "She cute?"

"That's beside the point, Nero." His father scolded him.

Nero held his hands up in defense and got to his feet, heading to his desk and taking a seat behind it, "I have some free time tomorrow morning. I'll drop by and observe the lovely, pregnant lady."

"Don't scare her off," Valerio muttered.

"Dad. I've never scared a woman off before, I'm not planning to start now."

Valerio glared at him, "It's inappropriate that you're bragging about that in front of your father. Do you think I find it amusing seeing you jump from one woman's bed to another? You're thirty-two, Nero. You're not getting any younger. Isn't it time you start to behave a bit more seriously? At least date a woman longer than three months or so."

Nero didn't like hearing his father say that. A few months ago he played around with the thought of making things serious with one girl, but she ran off without notice. Changing her number, not leaving a trail. He didn't want to resort to unconventional methods to find her, so he left things as they were. He didn't forget about her though. It pissed him off whenever he thought about her. She proved to him women were unreliable creatures whose heart changed faster than lightning. Never again he'd make the mistake of letting anyone in. Women only betrayed him.


Valerio's eyes softened as he got to his feet, "You don't know why that girl ran off. You can't judge her for it, maybe something happened. Don't be so quick to write people off, Nero."

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