Hannah's Decision

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Hannah knew having a week to herself without Nero or his charming father Valerio showing up was because Nero gave her that. He gave her time to let his words sink in and make a decision. Yet there wasn't a whole lot to think about. Either she gave in and married the cheater or she'd refuse and he'd find ways to make her life a living hell. She was well aware that he was capable of that. It was the harsh truth that money opened doors. She wasn't doing poorly, but she wasn't close to what Nero had achieved. So she knew which option she had to take, she was just pouting about it. Resentment simmering in her blood.

"What did that muffin do to you?"

Maria's voice scared her. She had been so far gone she didn't even realize she was taking apart her blueberry muffin with a fork. Putting the fork down she let out a tired sigh and leaned back against her seat. She pushed the plate away from her and reached for her Chai tea, taking a huge gulp to let the warmth of the hot beverage comfort her. Maria raised an eyebrow at her, confused by her recent behavior. She had asked Hannah about her behavior a couple of times now, but Hannah always brushed it off. Smiling and pretending it was the pregnancy.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." She placed the empty tall glass on the table and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Thinking of ways to destroy a perfectly baked muffin? I put a lot of effort into that, you know."

"I'm sorry."

Maria leaned forward, narrowing her eyes on Hannah, "You've been acting strange all week. From what I can tell is that you don't want to talk about. But I just want you to know that I'm here. You don't have to deal with whatever is bothering you by yourself."

"Wish that was true." She whispered and then got up, "I'll clean this up. Can you look after the store? I'll be in the kitchen."

Maria glanced around, "There is only that couple in the back." She made a face of disgust and glanced back at Hannah, "Looking like they'll do each other right here. What's with people and not being able to control themselves in public?" She asked in a hushed tone.

Hannah snorted, "Love. They live in an illusion, thinking that they only need each other. But there is no trust, people betray each other because the heart is a fickle thing. One minute it beats for a blonde girl next door, the next it beats for the confident brunette who is clearly a better match for him."

Maria frowned, quickly glancing over her shoulder, "What brunette?" She then looked at Hannah again and pointed to herself, "Me?"

Hannah collected her plate and cup and walked past the confused looking Maria, "I was just rambling on. I'll be right back."

She pushed through the heavy door and entered the sweet-smelling kitchen. Washing her dishes she took a minute to collect her thoughts, they were all over the place. She had spilled her thoughts to Maria without thinking. The brunette didn't link everything together because she didn't have all the pieces. She was grateful she never talked about her past with Nero. She knew Maria was curious about him, same with her mother. She wasn't going to explain herself to her mother though. She knew exactly what Lillian was going to say. It was words she never wanted to hear out loud.
Forcing a smile on her face, Hannah pretended to be fine. She could pretend, she had done it before. She'd use her overly sweet voice while serving her customers. It was nearly time for their afternoon rush, it would keep her mind off things, or more specifically, Nero.


Feeling a lot better after talking to customers, serving up some healthy teas, Hannah felt like she was floating. It could be because she shoved everything up in a little box again, keeping all her thoughts and emotions locked up, but unlike that morning she felt great. Smiling, she wiped the counter and put away the clean glasses, humming along with the gentle sound of the piano playing in the background.

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