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- uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required

"there seems to be confusion about how exactly the world works"


uncertainty, indecision, hesitation, doubt, ignorance, scepticism, puzzlement, bafflement, bewilderment, perplexity, mystification, stupefaction, befuddlement, disorientation, pandemonium

This word means a lot, no? Well it does, whether the individual is aware of as such or not. There are many things that we are confused about although it's never said to be so until it's time to make a decision.

Confused about feelings – opinions that you hold about others. Confused about whether your favourite colour is actually the specific visible light or shade you claim it to be or is it actually something else? Confused in regards to what television series – or movie, play, book etc. – is your favourite. Confused as to who we are in love in. Confused of our favourite food or beverage and how we like it to be made or served. What is your favourite ice-cream flavour? Type of cake? Was that person truly your first love or is it just your feelings and emotions toying with the mind and heart?


It is questions like these and many more that cause our minds to have such intense deep thoughts that we may have never thought of, that may have never crossed the mind, until a specific question is asked. Do you prefer your mother or your father? How have they helped you? What is your favourite animal? What animal would you like to be your pet and why? Who is your favourite family member? Subject at school? There are many that could be enlisted although it would take over an eternity to do as such due to the amount of questions that are asked because they crossed another person's mind.

Are those people you claim as friends truly there for you or is it just a façade? What is your dream job? What are you going to be when you are older given the grades that you have been able to attain? Or, do you enjoy the employment you are currently in? What is more important, to have a job that you enjoy or to make more money? To have a rich significant other or someone you truly love?

To be emotionally stable or economically?

How can you be so sure and confident with the answer you have provided yourself, or another, with?

Confusion, in other terms, is what makes the world go around. It is what makes an individual who they are and, regardless of the number of existential crises they have, it is what causes the human brain to stimulate itself after being lost in thoughts so that an individual is certain that they have a clear decision they can trust and that they are capable of picking themselves up when they have fallen.

Confusion is what matures a person and what causes their mind to take into account all the options that are open for them and their future, what can benefit them.

Because, children, all our lives, we try to push past the clouds of confusion to take a view of our true selves. To push past the clouds to live the life that we truly want to be a part of.

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