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- a strong feeling of affection.

"their love for their fellow human beings"


deep affection, fondness, tenderness, intimacy, attachment, devotion, adoration, worship, yearning, passion, lust, infatuation, devoted to, doting on, humanity

Are we truly ready for this aspect called love? Do some comprehend what true love is or do we make it up, to suit our own beliefs and thoughts, to make it seem true to ourselves and use it to our own advantages? Do some contain their choices of love to themselves, afraid to hurt those close to them, doing anything to please others, fearing to share their desires? Or do some, regardless of their intentions, share every thought of love fearlessly, not afraid of what lives in their heart? Do some play with the minds of others, brainwashing and blackmailing them, and desire to break their heart into a million shattered pieces only because they are insecure of themselves and aren't yet sure of their own definition of true love; jealous of others so think it is best to hurt not themselves but others who cherish them? Who truly and deeply love them? Is it all pure sadism?

Are we ready to be in a relationship with someone who is allegedly held close to us and is dear to us, one whom we share all our worries and thoughts to, one who we know is there for us, be it good or bad? One who can help us survive this Earth and walk steps with us until death do us part?

Are some peoples' love stronger than that, therefore not separating regardless of the fact that one half is deceased? Are we ready for love? Where we, depending on the circumstances of life, either spend eternity with one human being living a pleasant life or we shatter each other's hearts like a glass falling to a marble glossed floor, thus causing the feeling of heartbreak and separating from one another, forever. Unable to trust someone else so easily after that.

Do some people love at a young age and marry quickly – under the intoxication of love – only to realise that they entered such a commitment for the sake of it, that they fooled themselves, that it was merely their immaturity getting the best of them. Or will they realise that they, in fact, do not regret the decisions they made at the time, that what is between them truly is love and that those vows they made will be committed to each other, forever? That not even the Lord above has the power to isolate them, that no living creature could dare say and attempt to stop them with the excuse of: 'they were immature'.

Some people love for countless years, satisfied with one other and the life they share, accepting each other; though it is a marriage that breaks them. On the other hand, there are couples formed through the dislike they have for one another – only proving that such a feeling was a hoax and that if one tries their hardest, happiness can be found in the most surprising of places.

There are people afraid to love due to their past, due to their ancestry, the difficulties that occurred throughout the years and the blame placed on family. Others enjoy life, love, and everything given so long as they are accepted in return. Love is difficult and causes us to realise a significant amount of things. Preferences and dislike. Including behaviour, style, sexuality. Only we know the love we have and it is difficult to share such intense feelings with others. There are those fortunate enough to have realised that yes, they have found their lover but terrified of such a love dying due to a mistake, not allowing themselves to step into sacred relationships. Of course, there is the normal love too, where a couple is content with each other, who could forget that? Such a miraculous love.

Unfortunately, there are also those who ignore the feelings building up inside of them, refusing it to be love as they are not familiar with the changes occurring – the way they see that special someone. They distance themselves from society, becoming so introverted and anxious, so paranoid. Unable to trust many because who would wish to judge a book by its cover? These people are frightened that they will discover something they did not want to – like when one reads a sudden plot twist at the climax of the novel they certainly were not ready for. These people instantly regret opening up when that time comes, too scared to accept any more feelings, building up walls and barriers and isolating themselves so they won't experience as such again.

All in all...

What exactly is love? There is a huge variety of love, different sorts of loves: from relationships to friendships to the way one sees their mother. Are we worthy of it, does it even exist? Or is it merely a charade our mind plays throughout our lives, scamming us, for an alleged companion whom we can call our own?

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