Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"He's here," I say in a hushed whisper. The words escaped my lips softly, but yet franticly. It was as if uttering the words too loudly would set off an explosion, sending Panem into cold blooded war once again. My vision is cast over with a watery glaze that makes the room appear as if it is underwater. My throat hurts from trying to sallow down strangled sobs. My head is burning hot, throbbing. I didn't want to speak anymore of this awful topic. I wanted to pretend it was nonexistent. I wanted to pretend that perhaps one day I could leave the past behind, and move on to a new life with Peeta. I wish if I just stopped talking about it the problem would just go away. I wish I could go away, dissolve into nothingness and leave this world of pain and suffering far behind. No matter how hard I tried to wish the world away it would always be here, and no matter how much I wish Gale wasn't here, I Know he isn't going to leave, and as much as I wish this problem didn't exist, it does. As much as I don't want to talk about it anymore, I know Peeta will have more questions to ask and I know I will have to answer him.

"He's here, In District 4?" Peeta questions. He is beginning to talk quick and swiftly, the way he always does when he is nervous about something. His blue eyes are wide and wild, searching for answers.

I slowly nod my head and bring my gaze to the floor, embarrassed that Peeta must see me fall apart like this.

"But, how did he know we were here? I'm sure Annie didn't invite him..." His last word trailed off into a slience that lasted a few awkward seconds.

"I-I don't know," I stutter, "Maybe she isn't aware that Gale and I aren't on good terms nowadays."

"Are you kidding me Katniss?" He questions with wide eyes and arching brows, "Everyone who's anyone know you and Gale aren't friends anymore. After everything that happen with the bombs and-" Peeta stops mid sentence once he fathoms what he is saying. His forehead creases in sympathy, and the corner of his eyes soften. He knows how sensitive I am about Prim's passing. "Katniss, Oh my God. I'm so sorry-"

"It's Okay," I cut him off. It really is okay, I don't have the time or emotion to dwell on the past at the moment, especially when I am so afraid of what the future has in store. "You're probably right, she probably didn't know that, but it just doesn't feel right to me.."

"I don't know," Peeta says, "He's here, and there's nothing we can change about that. Anyways, what's happening? What's the big deal? Did you see him?"

"Well yeah, I ran into him about an hour ago," I say, my voice quivering.

"Did he say anything to you?" Peeta asks, prying the answers out of me.

"Yes, I -I spoke with him." I look up at Peeta, my eyes once again fill with tears when I see this beautiful boy staring back into my eyes. Knowing that I have caused him so much agony throughout his life feels like a stab to the gut, and knowing that I will cause even more makes me feel a million more. "Peeta," I half whisper, "There's something you should know."

His eyebrows arch in a way showing that he is worried, his blue eyes are wide and terrified, I can can see tears beginning to frost over his crystal irises. I know him too well, I know what he's thinking. He thinks I've talked to Gale and I've found that I don't want to be with him anymore, that I want to be with Gale instead of him. But that's not true... "Peeta," I say "It's not that." I say shaking my head.

Peeta releases a small sigh of relief and he loses the tears that glaze his eyes, but he doesn't misplace the fear that surges within him. "What is it then? Why is he here? What did he say to you?" He's still nervous, and talking extremely fast. His fast words seem to dash around the room before they hit my eardrum. Even then, they seem to spin around inside my mind. I reach for Peeta's hand and squeeze it tight. I need his strong and steady hand right now, or the world will spin me right off its axis.

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