Chapter 11

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It's a strange thing, knowing you're going to be killed by something with the same face as your best friend, oddly comforting. Don't get me wrong, it is fucking terrifying, but just seeing Levi's face, looking down at me, with that blank unchanging expression, makes me feel safe. I guess that's a bad thing, I am about to die- well maybe not if I manage to get out of this but it certainly seems like I'm going to die, right here, staring into the face of my best friend. Suddenly and seemingly without reason he turns, glancing around the corridor, as if he heard something, I take my chance and scramble to my feet, some how not gaining a reaction from the fake Levi.

"Ok umm fucker I'm gonna win this one-" I cut myself off before I keep talking, this isn't my friend, no matter how similar they look, it's just- whatever it is. I let my mind go blank for a second and kick the fake Levi's knee and he buckles, he falls to one knee and I swing my leg hearing a slight smacking sound as my shin connects with the side of his head sending him sprawling. There's a dull ache in my leg in the place that hit the thing but I ignore it jumping out of arm's reach flicking my wrist as I do so bringing more grass blades into the room. The fake Levi just stands, with the same blank expression, still he doesn't concentrate on me, just looks at the wall and brings his finger to it writing something with the flames.

"Master say no kill keep alive can hurt though" He turns his attention finally to me again and I watch the flames on his arms die down completely, he walks forwards, slowly at first before breaking into a sprint. Panicking I flick my wrist the grass blades becoming sharp needles and shooting at him, I watch in horror as he simply dodges around them with inhuman speed even cutting some in two with his bare hand before he finally makes it to me, he moves slowly again bringing his hand to my throat. I'm powerless, still the weakest in the school, even if I can control my powers, I'm completely useless with them. Gravity starts to pull at my body as I am lifted very slightly into the air and flung across the corridor into another wall landing on the floor a coughing mess, the wind knocked from my body. It's like this thing can just change its powers whenever it wants.

"Ok ouch." I start to stand intending to sound braver than I actually did, the sound of my voice barely a whimper. Then it hits me, this thing, it's not human, I don't have to hold back, none of my friends are around, I can let myself get angry, I can go to my second level and tear this thing to shreds.

I run towards the fake Levi, I need to get angry before I can do anything. Jumping and crashing into it sending us both to the floor and rolling, fake Levi is up before me with the fire on his arms again, before I can move he moves forwards grabbing my arm with both of his hand, the pain is terrible. Immediate agony not just in my arm but seeming to jolt through my body. I start screaming as the burn marks are left on my arm and the fake Levi let's go standing up, if he could smile I'm sure he would be right now. It's too hard to let myself get angry because of the pain, you think it would make it easier, but, I can't describe it, this isn't a regular burn, it feels like it's stopping me from doing anything. I look up slowly moving my unburnt arm to the other not daring to touch it, the fire on his hands dies down and he lifts me up, by the burns, making the pain increase ten fold and flinging me back into the same wall he threw me into before.

"FUCK." I shout as I slam my fist into the floor, the wind knocked from my body yet again, then it happens. White swarms my vision and I feel power surge through my body, the ground shaking slightly, until all of a sudden it comes to a stop and my vision returns to normal. Now I'm angry. The fake Levi moves again, this time moving with the same speed he had before, charging towards me full speed, obviously intending to smash me into the wall, probably knocking me unconscious. He doesn't get a chance. The grass blades surround him catching him and throwing him into the wall at the other side of the corridor. He stands quickly, charging at me again with the same inhuman speed and again he is flung into the wall, only this time before he can stand a grass blade slices through his arm, leaving a stump. He doesn't grimace, doesn't flinch, doesn't make a sound, he just stands and looks at his arm, like he expects something to happen.

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