Chapter 5

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I walk around the school without expression, the earliest graces of sunrise break the horizon and wash over the roof of the school. It's raining slightly though not enough to bother anybody. Levi never came back. I had woken up this morning to find that he is still gone. Even though I know for a fact he can handle himself in most situations I'm still worried, he could be anywhere, with anyone. I hate to sound like the mom friend but right now all that's going through my head is him being tortured or murdered and it's not a pleasant image. Normally the school grounds would be completely full of people but now they seemed completely empty. It is a school day so they could be in class but nobody ever goes to class this early, they still have half an hour until it starts but still, there's usually more people making the area crowded and uncomfortable. I'd rather feel that familiar uncomfort right now rather than have the dark thoughts consuming me. Still I keep walking, Levi could have gone to class, which is right next to the school gates. I start to make my way over to the most likely dormant classroom clinging to the hope that Levi will be there and I have nothing to worry about. But when I get there he is nowhere in sight, not inside or outside the classroom and I know for a fact he won't be in the shower because I would have seen him come and get his clothes. Unless he is there now because he could have gone in as I've been looking for him. As I start to turn a scream splits the air, it's high pitched and the panic is evident. It definitely doesn't belong to Levi but someone could be hurt, I need to at least check. I start to head towards where the scream came from. It came from the gate, nobody is on the inside but the outside is a different story. Though the gates are certainly locked. I run to the gate practically slamming into it. It is locked but someone will be out there. I decide to climb it in the hopes of getting over, the bars are slippery and wet and the only place where I can put my foot to push myself up is too high, if I jump I might make it. Gripping the bars as high as I possibly can I jump and pull myself up only just making it to the thin horizontal bar, the bar itself is incredibly slippy and unfortunately for me my shoes are worn and have little grip, I can still make it, provided I don't slip. Luckily this gate didn't have the small pikes like most gates might making it easy to climb, the rain isn't helping, only making the black metal slippier and harder to climb but still I manage to make it over to the other side gingerly stepping onto the horizontal bar. This part is easy, all I have to do is jump and I'll be down. Still I have to mentally prepare myself, it's about a meter high and honestly it normally wouldn't scare me but for some reason my instinct is telling me not to jump down. I ignore the instinct and jump anyway, I land badly on my foot and end up falling, my ankle hurts like hell but I stand slowly feeling the sharp stab at my ankle in protest. Trying my best to ignore it I keep walking towards where the scream had come from. I end up turning the corner of the school, there sits Levi hovering over another guy, I recognise his face but can't remember his name it's Ha- something.

"Levi it hurts so bad." The guy is crying, he's clearly trying to hold tears back but whatever has happened must be too painful. He can't keep them back and so the tears run down his face one by one.

"Hey hey it's ok, I'll go get the nurse just wait here."

"What's going on is he ok?" I startle them both and the guy winces in pain as he half shuffles backwards.

"Oh my god dude thank fuck we stayed outside too late and the gates were locked when we got back. I tried to help him over the wall but when he got to the top he fell and his leg's- well it's broken like really badly."

"Ok ok I'll go get the nurse bro just wait here."

"No I'll do it, I can phase through the wall, you'll have to climb over the gate, I'll be faster."

"Ok yeah you're right go get her." Levi quickly turns and runs straight through the wall heading to the nurse. I make my way over to the guy and take a seat next to him.

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