Chapter 2

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Monday came quickly, the weekend had honestly been quite dull and we had visited the battle dome twice after our previous visit on Saturday, to be perfectly honest none of the other fights were as good as the first one but we watched them anyway because there was nothing else to do.

Right now I'm in class with the teacher droning on about, trigonometry, a subject that I will never understand. The classroom is equally as dull as the lesson itself, the walls are painted beige with the occasional banner displaying student's work, mostly from the juniors that were around eight years old, which made the work kinda crappy, in my experience at least.

"Ok class remember SOHCAHTOA, if you remember it you should be able to figure out most questions on the test next week." Sighs can be heard throughout the room,I join in too because he hadn't told us about this test which means we only have a week to study and of course it will have to be in our own time. Which we don't have much of considering we have seven periods on each week day meaning we have seven hours of school every single day. Which is tedious to say the least, lights out is supposed to be ten at night for seniors and school ends at five which left about five hours free time in the afternoon and that doesn't include the time taken to eat. So in other words that left me with three hours to study every day if I took breaks and could actually be bothered to study. Which I guess is better than what most people do during study time, horny fucks. Well the ones that are actually legal age, because let's be honest even most people my age fail to keep it in their pants.

I haven't seen the new student, thankfully because I still haven't thought of an excuse to start conversation with him yet, he will be with the principal, or the person that runs the orphanage, I never will understand why they have two separate people for principal and orphanage dean. Orphanage dean sounds like a pretty simple job, just make sure kids follow the orphanage rules.

"Umm sir I have a ques-"

"Yes yes what is it speak up." This teacher is a dick,he never lets students finish what they are saying when they speak, but you get used to it I guess.

"Well I was just a little confused about the whole-"

"Ok ok so SOHCAHTOA-"

"Umm sir that wasn't my question."

"Oh, my apologies, please continue." At this point I force myself to zone out, I can always hog mine and Levi's room laptop later if I need to, it's not like he studies anyway, at least not often enough for him to care too much if I take the laptop for maybe an hour longer at most. Trigonometry is not exactly a hard subject, though I still don't understand it, Garnet took the test on trigonometry early but that's a given considering she is probably the smartest person in school, right now she is sat at the front of the classroom, the waves of her dark brown and blonde highlighted hair falling down to the centre of her back. She turns and her dark skin catches the light coming from the large windows slightly which seems to somehow bring out her green eyes even more. Though her eyes are beautiful her glasses reflect light directly into my eyes leaving slight blurs of colours in my vision for what will be a few minutes after this, it's annoying to say the least.

I hear the door open, barely, I don't turn to it because it's probably someone going to the bathroom and that honestly happens a lot more in maths lessons, at least a lot more than it happens in any other lesson. The seat beside me is pulled out, of course I had forgotten that Levi was sat across from me not beside me, so who is sitting down?

"So Dustin i hope you don't mind but this is the new student Brock, he has the same timetable as you and Levi so I was hoping you two could show him around, if that's ok?"

"Yeah sure it's fine."

"Thank you Dustin." The white haired principal leaves the room after that, I swear all principals have white hair, it seems to be a cliche.

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