Getting A Few Things Straight

Start from the beginning

Damn this man is attractive as hell! His smart ass mouth excites me more than it should. I guess I'm just fucked up. Hell I was broken way before the end of the world, why should my attraction to a man I don't really know surprise me. He couldn't be any worse then Jason. Stop it Ruby! Damn, That was a thought that I could have sworn  was dead a long time ago. Easy, calm yourself. He is gone, he will never hurt you again.

"Well are you going to fucking answer me or just keep looking out at the empty highway?" Negan asks loudly drawing her from her thoughts.

"What?" She asks a little startled.

"What's your story Princess? You know, before the shit hit the fan." He asks and she silently curses him for asking about a touchy subject.

"I don't really have a story." She lies and knows that even he wouldn't buy into that.

"Oh come on, do you really expect me to believe that shit? That you didn't live a fucking life pre shit storm. I think I at least deserve to know who the hell it is that I have invited into my home. I mean we could just pull over and you can get out." He says and Ruby can tell that he is becoming irritated.

He does have a point. He had invited me into his home without knowing me.

"It's a long story." She says still hoping that he will drop it.

"We have plenty of time." He says while watching the road ahead.

"Look I lived a rough life before the damn apocalypse even started. I'm not proud of it and I would really rather not share it with a total stranger. I will tell you that I am twenty four years old and I was a bartender, I got involved with an asshole and it was bad. I got out and was in the process of starting a new life when the "shit storm" as you call it started. I have been traveling since, moving from place to place until I found the warehouse where you found me.. And here we are now. That's my story, not very interesting." She tells him while avoiding the details. She only hoped that it was enough to kill his curiosity.

"Fair enough I guess. You can tell me the more interesting parts once we get to know each other better." He says and she takes a deep breath.

Damn it, he wont drop it. I know that he is only going to keep asking. What will happen when this man finds out how fucked up I really am? Will he kick me out of his compound? Shit! I should have known that even in a damn apocalypse my past would come back to haunt me. Hell if the dead wont stay dead what the hell made me think that my secret would?

The ride to this Sanctuary was long and Negan didn't seem to be in a talkative mood anymore. Now he seemed to be deep in thought. Ruby sat there in silence, steeling a look ever so often at the man beside her when she thought that he wouldn't notice.

His profile is just as attractive as his full face. The way the fading sun light highlights the individual hairs in his beard, the bridge of his sculpted nose, the way his lips are pressed tight and his brows are frowned. The flexing of his clinched jaw.. Damn, why is this man getting to me like this? Sex has been the farthest thing from my mind for so long. Why is just being near him making me want such things? Fuck Ruby! Get it together! You are acting like a horny teenager.. Shit he is looking at me! I hope my face isn't giving my thoughts away!

"Whatcha staring at princess? See something you like?" He speaks up and she flinches. A knowing smirks spreads across his lips and she swallows to ease the sudden dryness in her throat.

"Maybe I do. Or maybe I'm just trying to figure you out." She answers and bites her bottom lip.

Fuck, where the hell did that come from? Did I really just admit to him that I find him attractive? What a dumb ass move Ruby. Way to look like a sexually frustrated whore.

"Figuring me out should be easy doll. It's the liking what you see that can be the tricky part. Let's just get you settled in before we get into all of that." He says and her attention is quickly caught by a set of gates with walkers chained to either side of them. "Welcome to your new home Princess." He tells her as the gates open and pulls the truck to a loading dock. He and his men get out and he orders them to start unloading stuff.

"Take it all to the sorting rooms for tomorrow's shift." Negan yells and the men get started. Before he can make it to Ruby's side of the truck she is out and following the men's lead. She unloads box after box and it would have been easier for her to pass them off at the dock to one of the guys standing there, like some of the other were, but she chose to carry them up the stairs and into the building before coming back for more. When it was finished Ruby stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up at the men who begin to disappear into the building. As she stands there catching her breath Negan grabs her by the elbow startling her.

"Easy Princess, it's just me. Lets go inside to my office. We need to discuss a few things." He smiles at her and she follows his lead. They walk by a few men in the halls who stop and drop down on a knee until they pass. As they round a corner to a hallway the disfigured one called Dwight comes from one of the rooms.

"Dwight, make sure the extra room down on the end is ready for Ruby. Fresh blankets, pillows and anything that you think she might need to be very comfortable." Negan tells him as he stops in front of them.

"Yes Sir." Dwight answers and turns to walk down to the end of the hall. As he walks away Negan turns to open a door to his left and steps aside to allow Ruby to pass through first.

His office is nice, it is decorated in dark woods and there is a large desk against one of the walls. There are book shelves surrounding the desk and a very comfortable looking couch across from it. In front of the desk is two small chairs with a smaller table separating the them.

"Take a seat, make yourself comfortable and we will get a few things straight here." He tells her and watches as she chooses the couch instead of a chair. When she is seated he places his bat across the arms of one of the chairs and shrugs off his jacket.

*The second update here. I hope that you guys will enjoy this book and I would really appreciate any thoughts and feedback. Thank you for reading and a big thanks to those of you who have already added my book to your lists!*

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