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Khaleesi's P.O.V.

Summer, the season every kid in school loves. No school, no homework and the best thing... no waking up early. I loved summer, but not this one. My brother Kaleb graduated high school and I was about to start my freshman year. He got a scholarship to play football and was leaving home. I was happy for him but I'm also freaking nervous. I'm sure he'll fit right in in college, but I'm not the same case as him. I'm an introvert, which means I don't like big crowds or parties, which leads to me having one friend, Danielle. I had other friends as well but Danielle was the closest one. 

"Hey, Khal." Kaleb walks in the living room, where I was trying to read my new favorite book 'The Hunger Games.' "Eli's coming over for movie night."

"What? Why?"

Eli, or should I say Elijah, is Kaleb's best friend. He's also our next door neighbor. They met when we moved here to California from Florida. Our idiot stepfather had a job offer at some lawyer firm or whatever. Back to Eli... I have nothing against the guy but like I mentioned before, I don't like talking to people.

"Cause I invited him." He replied.

"Ugh, fine. What are we watching anyway?"


"Ew, why does he get to pick the movie?"

"How'd you know it was his choice?"

"Cause we never watch scary movies, Kaleb."

"It's a horror film." He corrects.

"Oh, please. Same difference." Just as I answer the doorbell rings. "I'll be upstairs. You can count me out."

"Oh, come on!" Kaleb shouted as I walked away.

"You know I don't like scary movies."

"It's horror!" I barely heard.

"WHATEVER!" I yelled from the hallway making sure he hears me.

"Hey! Keep your voice down. I'm on a phone call." My stepdad, Darwin, scolded as he walked out of his office. I ignore him just like I always do and lock myself in my room.

After two long hours I take a shower and decide to go to Danielle's house, which is three houses down. As I walk downstairs I hear screams from the movie. I follow the noise only to see Elijah but himself.

"You still watching that stupid movie?" I ask. He turns around to face me and I notice his face lighting up.

"Hey." He smiles. "Kaleb's getting more popcorn. Turns out there're more of these movies."

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"What was that?" I ask skeptically.

"What was what?" He turns his gaze to the TV.

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