11th Page: Friendship is Friendship

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Seulgi clapped one large clap that resounded in the small room where she assembled the class presidents. Most of them were generally not pleased to see Byul, because as we all know, she sent them to detention days ago.

"It's the seniors' study time, hurry up." One of the graduating students spoke.

"And we have detention." A younger president threw shade. And the others followed, causing commotion to begin in the room.

Byul crooked her head to the side and crossed her arms. "Well, I wanted to lift your detentions, but it looks like you ain't interested, so you may go." Suddenly, everyone hushed and sat properly like middle-school children. "That's better." Byul looked at Seulgi and nodded a nod of action. She looked at the front and Seulgi began to pass the papers. "That paper is the document the student council president signed. As you can see, your detentions will be lifted if you decide to do one of the few things in there. Performances, props and design, audit, electronic engineers, and finally, solicitation. For the performances, there will be ten total perfs, may it be groups or solo or duet -- whatever. Every section must send their representatives for an audition to be held tomorrow. If you just do an audition, your detention can be lifted. There's plus points in the club grade if you pass the audition. Two sections can collaborate. Just don't form produce 101. Props and design will be in charge of the stages. I need 70 people in here. They will prepare everything, from stage to tickets. Your detentions are suspended until the concert and if there's little to no stage mishaps, your detentions will be lifted. Audit team will be the treasurers. I need ten people in this. They will also be in charge of the ticket selling and entrance. Their detention rules are the same as the props team but you guys have to sell at least 700 tickets, the student body, excluding outsiders, are inclusive of 1300 students. That's easy, considering that we have a known band in the lineup and we're allowing outsiders. Then electronic engineers, which I forgot to write, are in charge of the sounds and lightings. You will also do a Facebook live for this concert. I need 30 people for this. The detention rules are entirely the same with the props team. Then lastly, is the solicitation team. This team will go around the higher ups to ask for money for the concert. The detention is suspended until you earn 30,000 pesos from the higher ups or the parents. We're in an exclusive school, it shouldn't be a hard task. I need five people for this. That's all."

A student raised her arm. "What if we all want to be in the solicitation team?"

"First come first served. I'm gonna be collecting the names starting 12 noon." Byul stood up and left the room with Seulgi, leaving the presidents on their own.

The presidents groaned and one of the junior presidents poked Sungkyung, who was sitting quietly on the side. "Um, sunbae, can I ask you a favor?"

Sungkyung raised a brow. "Me?" Instead of Minhyuk, he sent Sungkyung to stand up for him in this meeting as he has practice.


"What's this?" Sungkyung looked at his nameplate. "Choi Seungcheol, you're from the star section, right?"

Seungcheol nodded. "Actually, I would like to ask a collab from your section."

Sungkyun's attention is now completely grabbed. His section has Jeon Wonwoo, the musical genius and Kim Mingyu, the lyric-god. "Collab? I'm all ears."

"My classmates, Mingyu and Wonwoo, would want to collaborate with Minhyuk sunbae and Chandong sunbae."

Well what the fuck?


"EXCUSE ME?!" Chandong yelled. "I am not doing this, Lee Sungkyung." He frowned and he knocked on the table. "Hello? Are you frickin SERIOUS?!"

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