9th page : Iron Lady's Return

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Chandong stood in front of Minhyuk's porch with Byul right next to him. "Eh? Minhyuk left? But it's just seven am, Auntie!"

Minhyuk's mother nodded with obvious annoyance. "I know, right." She groaned. "Yah you two tell me the truth, is my son dating?"

The two friends shook their head. "Aniyo." They chorused.

"Not that we know of, Auntie." Byul finished. She ran her fingers through her head, venting her frustrations. "Jinja, that guy."

"Kids, tell me if that boy is dating, okay?" The two nodded and bid Minhyuk's mom farewell.

The duo started to walk without Minhyuk. Chandong stared back and forth from Byul to the empty space next to her. He wasn't used to it. Minhyuk and Byul would fill the trio with laughter, and he would constantly leave them alone to avoid playing the third wheel. Well, that's not the situation today. He had to stay next to Byul on their way, and if Minhyuk keeps up being a snob, he might have to stay next to her for a long time.

No offense, but he likes that idea.

"Lee Chandong, I'm talking to you." He snapped out of his thoughts as Byul nudged him. "When did you last see Minhyuk?"

"Really, Byul, do you like him?" The moment he asked that, Byul's face flushed red. Chandong faked a smile and a laughter. "Yah! What is this?"

She shook her head. Lies. Chandong thought to himself.

When they were young, it was only Chandong and Byul. They only had each other.

Chandong smirked. "Byullie, do you remember back then, when it was just you and me?" He asked.

She nodded. "First grade?" She laughed heartily. "Yah, you played basketball because of me!"

Chandong's eyes widened then he looked around. "Stop it, someone might hear you, it's embarrasing."

She snickered, "Is it, really? Then you should wait for that on the newssss~" she ran off to the bus stop, avoiding his approaching attempts to stop her.

"Yah yah yah, you crazy girl!" He ran after her, and they got to the bus stop. Surprisingly, Wheein was already there. "Oh, it's Wheein. Byullie, Wheein and Hyunsik are in the bus, quick!" He grabbed her hand and he pulled her up to the bus. They shared a small smile, and Chandong allowed Byul to get in the bus first. Using their beep cards, the Chandong paid for their fares. They sat on the seat across Hyunsik and Wheein.

"Oh,myou're not with Minhyuk?" Hyunsik asked, quite curious. He's never seen the two without Minhyuk. The two shook their head almost simultaneously. "That's sad. Where could he be?"

Byul just shrugged. "Forget about him. I'm sure something must've came up."

"Oh." Wheein gasped. "I don't think something came up." She remarked, eyes fuxed on her phone or whatever she's reading. She called the duo out, "Byullie, Chandong, check this out." She passed her phone to Hyunsik, and the headings of whatever he saw made his eyes pop.

"Heol." He remarked.

When it got to Chandong and Byul, they both looked at each other. "Whatever the f*** is he doing?" Chandong cursed.

Byul gripped Chandong's sleeve. "Do you think he brought protection with him?" She looked at him like an innocent puppy, and Chandong, bewildered, just had his eyes wide open. "Heol, he hit the jackpot." She shook her head. "Do you think he did the deed?"

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