That Second Chance At Life Begins with Battle

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As the bright light receded and I once again became conscious of myself, I immediately knew something was different something was most definitely wrong. First and foremost pain like none I had ever felt before was like a companion that had embraced me fervently after ages apart. Another thing , despite being cognisant of how I felt I as yet could not determine where it is on me that I felt the pain. Despite wishing for the sweet relief that would come with losing my consciousness, even that respite was denied to me. Slowly as I became more and more aware and got accustomed to the waves of pain that seemed etched into my being like an inseparable part of me, I realised something. I did not know why I was in pain, nor when the pain started, but most troubling of all I did not know who the being that I called myself was.

I struggled for what felt like hours to remember my name to no avail, then I realised that I should do something about my current situation. I tried to move any part of myself, for I knew not in what state my body was in. Nothing moved, at least not any part that I could feel, of cause the agony that I am in may be hindering most if not all of my efforts. So I decided to start small, by first opening my eyes which I had partial success with as I realised after a fee moments that I could feel them. The disheartening thing was that I could not open them, my eyes felt like they were stuck shut and felt gritty.

The next thing I tried to move was my mouth, though partially stuck shut I was rewarded for my endeavour by a fresh wave of intense pain, that's when I realised part of the pain I felt was from being deprived of life-giving air. Immediately afterwards I could feel slight relief as my body got oxygen to all of my extremities, that's when I began to feel the rest of my body. Numbness, cramps and pain all these combined to increase my misery. As the time slowly ticked by I was able to segregate the parts of my body which were improving and those that were not, my left arm continued to inform my nerves of extreme pain originating from there. And the only other place was on my noggin, a searing pain from my forehead told me that I had that to worry about as well.

With my head undoubtedly wounded somehow I knew that lying still for a while was the wise thing to do, how I knew I had no clue but I erred on the side of caution went with the feeling. I tried to move my right arm, after a few moments of just twitching muscles I finally got it moving. Gradually despite feeling absolutely no strength in my limbs I moved my right hand to my face and wiped my eyes, despite that hand being dirty I was able to scrape away the dried substance that was sealing my eyes together and slowly opened my eyes.

I winced at the brightness that struck my sight and squinted to adjust to the bright light,  but it was not necessary because as my sight cleared a shadow blocked the harshness of the light. Then I felt hands on my chest and heard something I could not make out, that's when I realised that all I really hear was a high pitched ringing sound. The figure above me came into focus, and it was a woman with smooth mocha skin and long raven lack hair as well as extremely attractive features. She pressed her hands to my chest closed her eyes and a green glow surrounded her hands, I instantly felt my  body experience soothing feeling starting from my chest spreading around my body.

The young woman concentrated for a few minutes then slumped forward and gasped, saying 'I did not realise that your injuries were that bad brother else I would not have tried to heal you'. That was when I realised the ringing in my ears had stopped and that I cold make out what she was saying, and then my sluggish mind latched onto two distinct facts from her short sentence. Firstly she called me brother, and secondly she did not speak in English.

My thoughts on that was disturbed as I heard several fast approaching people  one of these stopped by us and yelled, 'Retreat,  they come in vast numbers and they have wielders amongst them, all of the battle class fall back to the bridge'. The same man then knelt by the young woman and picked her up bodily, when she tried to protest he said, 'Come Vsh'anna there is nothing you can do for him, he is lost we shall save those we can and live to fight another day'. I tried to speak but my dry parched throat failed me, all I cold do was raise my hand as watched the woman I think is my sister look back at me in sadness as she was swiftly carried away.

With her departure, I felt a deep exhaustion overtake my body not only because of my injuries but also the emotional trauma I had just gone through over someone I could not remember as being my sibling leaving me to an unknown fate. I consoled myself saying before she came you were in nothing but pain and dying, now at least you have the chance of living for a little while longer. I lay my head back down and resigning myself to whatever fate came waited on those who approached.

I had, with a little assistance  unknowingly fought my first life or death battle in my new life. I heard heavy thuds approach me where I lay and then I heard a gruff voice say 'This one is still alive'. Lighter footsteps approached , a shadow fell over me and I saw a fair skinned blonde haired beauty in intricate form-fitting black and red armour look down upon me, frown then promptly punt me in the head. 'Bring this one to camp I may have a use for him'.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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