10.2K 187 65

I did not expect this from all my readers you guys Point your finger at me and you guys get mad at me or upset with me because I don't update my stories but you guys have to understand one thing just like how you guys have feelings we writer  have feelings too if you want us to update then you have to give us the respect that we deserve we spent hours writing the story just for you guys so you guys can read and enjoy it but what we get out of it nothing. All I ask for is likes and votes from you guys and I'm like really upset right now because I did not update my story so many days and so many people said so many things to me but still I didn't listen to them and I gave you guys the update my story is getting read by 262k people and I only get 300 vote on my story seriously I don't even know if I want to give you guys an update anymore and I was planning to do it every day but if this is how I'm going to get a response than I don't think I want to give any update you have no idea how mad I am right now you guys really upset me that this is all you guys are showing i'm not blaming all the readers,there are some readers who are supporting me from started  until now and I really appreciate that and I want to thank you guys from bottom of my heart but you guys have to understand that whoever is reading my story I want everyone to give me that support..

Now you guys decide and tell me what should I do. Should I continue or not and if I continue then I really really hope I reach to my goal if not then I'm sorry I don't want to continue the story no more.😡😡😡

Manan ff Vivaah (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now