Chapter 11: You've Got To Be Kidding Me.

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We gasped when we saw him. Of all people. Him sitting on the couch in the Gryffindor common room.

I had to rub my eyes a few times, just to make sure I wasn't having a nightmare.

"Hello chaps! How are we doing this fine day? Be sure to finish up that essay Professor McGonagall assigned to us, I hear she's moving the due date up to tomorrow." he said grinning.

We just stared. And stared. And... stared. Until I decided to poke him.

"Ow! What was that for Gin?" Maybe my poke accidentally turned into a punch, same thing.

"You're not allowed to call her that, Malfoy." said Ron stepping up.

"Ha! Why not Ron? We've been best friends for years now!" he said laughing.

I was so shocked, I couldn't move or speak as they all stared at me.

"I - uh - send help." I said before falling dramatically to the floor and closing my eyes, hoping Hermione would take me away from this awkward situation.

I heard them clamoring around me.

"Oh move over Harry, you're just yelling and Ron stop poking her!" exclaimed Hermione. I can imagine her just rolling her eyes at him. I felt her put a levitation spell on me and take me upstairs and not the hospital wing because she knew I wasn't really dead.

I felt myself on a bed but still didn't open my eyes because Hermione was freaking out.

"How could he be here? I don't understand! We didn't do anything wrong. Well except for the fact that you know, we went searching for a ring and went back in time. And - Ginny! Open your eyes!"

"Can't. I'm dead." I responded and stuck my tongue out.

She sighed and sat next to me.

"What do we do?"

"Why don't we just ask him?"

"I have an idea Ginny! Why don't we just ask him about his life like when he first came to Hogwarts?!" she said jumping up.

"I- you know what? Whatever, great idea Hermione!" I replied, not caring anymore.

We went downstairs to see the boys both shouting at each other. I went to Malfoy as Hermione dealt with Harry and Ron.

"So Malfoy- erh Draco. How about you tell us the story of when you first came here again? Since- since I love to hear it so much?" I questioned.

"Sure! I remember like it was yesterday. I got on the train, I was feeling very lonely see as my father was pushing me to become a Slytherin."

"You are a slytherin! By blood I mean...," said Hermione abruptly.

"Well - yes and you can't forget the disappointment of my father when he came to find out the the sorting hat said Gryffindor instead of Slytherin. But I made some good friends. I was terrified but Hermione you made me feel included, I became good friends with Harry and Ron and the next year when Ginny came along, I felt like I belonged." he said grinning.

"Enough of this sappy story, how about we all head down to the Great Hall for lunch?" said Ron.

I knew they were listening from afar but how obvious could you bloody be?

We all headed down in disbelief as Malfoy rambled on about stories from the "past".

"I mean remember in first year when we went looking for the sorcerers stone-"

"No oh my FAVOURITE memory was when we finally found the chamber of secrets together, god Lockhart. really was something wasn't he?"

"NO my absolute favourite was going back in time with you guys. Except Ron - sorry you had to sit out mate but you were in the hospital wing remember-"

"ALRIGHT!" yelled Ron. "We get it, yeah yeah yeah the trio expanded, you were part of every great adventure."

"You bet I was and my dear friends I cannot wait for more." He said with a charming smile on his face.

Ron's response just made him look like he ate 50 slugworms, really dramatic that one.

Malfoy sat down and we took a look at everyone else's table. It all seemed normal, Slytherin looked evil as always. Hufflepuff, at ease. Ravenclaw, just graceful and intellectual. And Gryffindor. No one was out of place except for Malfoy.

I mean, it was really nice not having him hate us for once. And then Harry psst at us.

His eyes glanced at all the teachers chairs. I took a look while Ron was still trying to figure out what Harry meant.

"What are you blokes looking at?" He whispered.

"Look!" I whisper -yelled. There was one chair missing. One teacher missing.

"Where is he?" whispered Harry.

"We left him! Remember??" panicked Hermione.

"Does that mean he doesn't exist anymore?"

"Oh we have to fix this!" moaned Hermione miserably.

"Hey Malfoy, who's our potions professor?"

"Why its-"

"Attention all students! You will return to your dormitories immediately. We will further discuss future actions with you momentarily." boomed Professor McGonagalls voice.

We all looked at each other in confusion.

"What's going on?" asked Ron looking around.

"I have no idea...." I said glancing around until my eyes locked on a familiar man... a very old man...

Hey lol. So I guess it's been a while huh? That's my bad. I definitely lost motivation to write uhhh anyways I need to re-read my old stuff and edit because my mind as a 12 year old was wack and my writing skills were just not it I'm 18 now and just crying. And it takes me like a while to read a chapter and edit because IT'S SO BAD OML Y'ALL ARE FAKE, READING IT AND TELLING ME ITS GOOD HAHAH. Anyways I'll try to do that, don't expect an update soon but I felt I owed you this. For those of you who are still here..... After all this time?

But no joke haha if you're still here thanks so much, and if you read my stories I still read your comments and try to reply and I appreciate every single comment and vote and I would love your feedback, was it good or not so good? HOW MUCH DID YOU MISS ME?? :)

- Jasmine

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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